
The project for creation and analysis signals.

pip install signal-design==0.3.0



Simple way to create signals.

The project is intended for designing signals.

The package is intended to create and develop signals of varying complexity.

The project can be used both for educational and work purposes.

It is convenient to use Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook to speed up the development of signals, to compare their parameters with other signals, and to visualize them.

The project is designed so that you can easily change the creation of signals.

In addition, documentation consist tutorial how to work with library and examples of ready-made signals. You can write own signal creation.


To install use:

$ pip install signal-design

or using poetry

$ poetry add signal-design

Also you can clone or load project from GitHub, and install requirement packages using the

$ pip install -r requirements/build.txt

or if you want develop, use

$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt


$ poetry install

or coping pieces of code and create your own.


The project is a library. Working with it is the same as with other third-part libraries of the python language.
An example of how to include the library is described here.

The library consists sub-modules:

  • signal_design.core - contains basic classes MathOperation and RelationProtocol.
  • signal_design.exc - contains exceptions.
  • signal_design.axis - contains class Axis
  • signal_design.relation - contains class Relation
  • signal_design.signal - contains class Signal
  • signal_design.spectrum - contains class Spectrum
  • signal_design.default_methods - contains default methods for class above.

For convenient base classes: Axis, Relation, Signal, Spectrum - can be imported from the signal_design module.

For example:

from signal_design import Signal

Quick start. Simple work flow.

Below is a simple example of creating a signal and visualizing it. A more extended description of the work of the library in the documentation. Other examples are contained in the documentation contains in Tutorial section.

For the following code Matplotlib need be used to visualize a result of work. But Matplotlib can be replaced with another library that you use.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from signal_design import Axis, Signal

time = Axis.get_using_end(start=0., end=10., sample=0.01)
amplitude = np.sin(2*np.pi*time.array)
signal = Signal(time, amplitude)

plt.xlabel('Time, s')
plt.title('Sin 1Hz')




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