
A convenient shell for the Aiogram library

pip install silvergram==0.0.1



Silvergram is a powerful Python library designed to enhance the functionality of the popular Telegram bot framework, Aiogram. It serves as a comprehensive wrapper, providing additional features and simplifying the development process for creating sophisticated Telegram bots


  • Enhanced Functionality: Silvergram extends the capabilities of Aiogram, offering additional features such as advanced message sending, phrases and keyboards management, and more
  • Simplified Development: With Silvergram, developers can write cleaner and more concise code
  • Built-in Utilities: The library includes various built-in utilities for common bot tasks, such as sending messages, managing user interactions, handling callbacks, and working with inline queries
  • Flexibility: Silvergram is designed to be highly flexible, allowing developers to easily integrate it into existing Aiogram projects or use it as the foundation for new bot developments


You can install Silvergram via pip:

pip install silvergram

Quick Start

Here's a simple quick start example of how to use Silvergram to create a basic bot:

from silvergram import Bot
from silvergram.types import Message

    "start": "Hello! I am a simple SilverGram bot!"

bot = Bot(TOKEN, phrases=PHRASES)

async def on_message_start(message: Message):
    chat_id =
    await bot.send_current_message(chat_id)

if __name__ == "__main__":

For more detailed usage instructions and examples, please see docs and examples folders

Adding Configuration File

You can create a file using the following command:

python -m silvergram addconfig [-t, --type TYPE] [-p, --path PATH]


-t, --type TYPE [en, ru, empty]

Specify the type of generating. Possible values: 'en' for English comments, 'ru' for Russian comments, 'empty' for adding only the necessary functionality. Default none, which means creating a regular file without comments

-p, --path PATH

Specify the path where the configuration file will be saved. If not provided, the file will be saved in the current working directory


Contributions to Silvergram are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details