
Simple manga console downloader

manga, downloader, command-line-tool, manga-downloader, mangadex, pipfile, python
pip install simple-manga-downloader==1.15.3



Simple manga console downloader written in python. Made for Linux but should work on any platform.

Currently supports:

Note: mangadex is the main supported site, the others might be maintained but they are not my top priority.

Allows you to download manga in 5 ways:

  • all chapters of a series
  • a range of chapters (from 5 to 15)
  • a selection of chapters (5, 7, 10, 20)
  • only the newest chapter
  • check for new chapters for the tracked manga

Additional features of the downloader:

  • It will check if a chapter on has multiple uploads by different groups and ask which one to download
  • It handles the MangaPlus chapters on mangadex
  • Allows to use data saver images from Mangadex
  • It can download the cover(s) for the manga (off by default)
  • You can specify the language (mangadex only)
  • You can specify which chapters to exclude from the download
  • You can change the directory where the manga is saved
  • You can add ongoing manga to the tracked list for a easy way to check for new chapters
  • Config is saved as a .json for readability and easy modification
  • The downloader has a config "mode" that allows the modification of the config file without having to edit the .json manually
  • It can check for new available versions
  • It will remove (or replace) characters from titles that could cause problems, by default removes / \ | ? > < . : ? * "



  • BeautifulSoup 4
  • requests

Releases form PyPI

Installing using pip will handle the requirements automatically. I would also recommend using pipx instead of just pip.

pip install simple-manga-downloader

Using the git repo

Installing using pip

To install from the master branch

pip install git+

Using the git repo without installing

Copy the repo, install the requirements and use the entry script in the main repo directory

cd path/to/repo
chmod +x
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ [mode] [arguments]


General info

For all commands you can either use SMD or smd.

The default manga download directory is ~/Manga this can be changed in the config file or in the command. The config directory is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/SMD (~/.config/SMD if variable not set), you can specify a different config to be used like this:

SMD -c "path/to/config" mode arguments


SMD -c "~/Downloader/config.json" down link_to_manga -l
SMD -c "~/Downloader/config.json" update

To create the config file the downloader needs to successfully finish. If you want to have the config created before you use the downloader you can do:

SMD conf


For a more detailed explanation of the modes and their available arguments read the file in the git repo.


Changelog can be found in in the git repo.