
Plugin for the simple-photo-gallery to provide a config based bulk creation

pip install simple-photo-gallery-bulkcreation==0.1.1


build pypi


Plugin for the Simple Photo Gallery which provides a config based bulk creation of multiple galleries from multiple folders of photos.

gallery overview


This plugin comes with a further command for the Simple Photo Gallery: gallery-bulkcreation


pip install simple-photo-gallery-bulkcreation

Configuration file

The configuration file is in a simple ini format. At first there has to be a general DEFAULT section with some general settings. Then there is one section per gallery.

gallery_root = example/gallery
title = My vacations
description = The best days of the year
title_photo = example/pictures/mexico2017/2017-11-01_15-20-23.jpg
title_photo_offset = 20

[Oman 2020]
description = Some days in the orient
image_source = example/pictures/oman2020
background_photo = 2020-02-02_18-40-33.jpg

[Greece 2019]
description = Island hoping in Greece
image_source = example/pictures/greece2019
background_photo = 2019-08-29_10-19-43.jpg
background_photo_offset = 40


After the creation of a config.ini, the creation is pretty easy via running following command:

gallery-bulkcreation config-example.ini

If everything works correctly you can preview the result, e.g. via running a simple Python server:

python3 -m http.server --directory GALLERY_ROOT/public

and then checking it in your browser under http://localhost:8000.

If you add photos to already existing galleries or add new galleries in the config.ini you can simple update the gallery by running the command again.


Check out the example.