
This is a Python script that can extract various information about a website, including its IP address, SSL certificate information, domain information, page load time, and other useful insights.

sniffing, site, website, IP, address, SSL, certificate, domain
pip install sitesniffer==0.3.1


Site Sniffer in Python 🐽

PyPi version Python 3.11 PyPi downloads Github commits Github contributors Code size License: MIT

Site Sniffer is a Python package designed to extract information about a website by providing its URL. It is useful for individuals who need to perform website analysis, including web developers, SEO specialists, and website owners. The package extracts various details such as the IP address, HTTP status code, SSL certificate information, domain registration details, load time, meta description, keywords, and a list of links on the page.


Install sitesniffer with pip:

pip install sitesniffer


pip install git+


Make sure that you have installed Python 3.11 before proceeding.

To use SiteSniffer, you need to import it first:

from sitesniffer import SiteSniffer

Then, create an instance of the SiteSniffer class by providing the URL of the website you want to analyze:

sniffer = SiteSniffer('')

You can then call the methods of the SiteSniffer object to get various details about the website:

# See docs for full list

Each of the methods in this package returns the corresponding detail of the website. For example, get_ip_address() returns the IP address of the website.


from sitesniffer import SiteSniffer

sniffer = SiteSniffer('')



Essential Python Libraries for Web Scraping and HTTP Requests

The following Python libraries are essential for working with the sitesniffer package:

# standard library
import re
import socket
import ssl
import time
import typing
import urllib.parse
import dataclasses

# third party
import bs4
import idna
import requests
import whois


The defined functions included in SiteSniffer

Function Name Function Description
extract_protocol Extracts the protocol from the URL.
extract_hostname Extracts the hostname from the URL.
extract_path Extracts the path from the URL.
ip_address Returns the IP address of the domain.
domain_info Returns the domain information for the website.
status_code Returns the HTTP status code of the website.
ssl_info Returns the SSL certificate information for the website.
load_time Returns the website's load time.
links Returns a list of links found on the website.
is_mobile_friendly Checks if the website is mobile-friendly.
has_responsive_design Checks if the website has a responsive design.
has_cookies Checks if the website uses cookies.
has_google_analytics Checks if the website has Google Analytics installed.
page_meta_description Returns the website's meta description.
has_meta_description Checks if the website has a meta description.
page_keywords Returns the website's keywords.
has_keywords Checks if the website has keywords.