
Generate word clouds for Slack channels!

cli, slack, wordcloud, app
pip install slack-wordcloud==1.0.3


Slack Wordcloud

This package is intended to take the history of a given Slack Channel, and run it through a Python Wordcloud API, and generate a wordcloud image. Compatibile with Python 3.7+.

This package uses the conversions.history Slack endpoint and will require a valid Slack API Token.


  1. pip install slack-wordcloud
  2. The docopt and wordcloud packages are also required. They should be automatically installed simulaneously with slack-wordcloud. However, if it fails you can do the following:
    • pip install docopt wordcloud


  1. SlackHistory(token, channel)
  2. GenerateWordCloud(options, *args, **kwargs)

Command Line Usage

  1. slack_wordcloud [-f] --channel <CHANNEL_NAME> [--token=SLACK_TOKEN]
    • -f will create a png file in your current directory of the output
    • --channel is required. Any valid slack channel.
    • --token optional argument if the token is already in your environment. Otherwise, you will need to pass it in.
  2. You will need to use Bot tokens and invite the Bot to the channel whose history you wish to fetch. This will hopefully be smoothed out in the future, but for now it's necessary due to the deprecation of the legacy tokens.