
A tool which reads combat logs from Eve Online and displays statistics.

pip install smarterbombing==0.1.4


Eve Smarterbombing

GitHub Workflow Status PyPI PyPI - Python Version codecov

An application analyzing Eve Online combat logs and presenting data in a Web interface.

Quick Start

📦 From PyPI

pip install smarterbombing
python -m smarterbombing

📂 From Source

poetry install
poetry run python -m smarterbombing

Open with your preferred browser:

📃 Command line options

Flag Valid Values Default Description
--mode webui webui Which UI mode to run
--port Any valid port 42069 Which port to host webui

🚧 Development

When developing it's most convenient to use the poetry shell which will provides a virtual environment with all the dependencies and tools required. Install dependencies and activate the virtual environment using the following commands:

poetry install
poetry shell

🟢 Running

python -m smarterbombing

📋 Unit Tests

pytest tests/ --cov=smarterbombing --cov-branch

🏋️‍♀️ Performance Benchmarks

# Damage Graph Aggregator
python benchmark/

# Combat Log Parser
python benchmark/