Python code relating to the textbook, Stochastic modelling for systems biology, third edition

pip install smfsb==0.1.3


smfsb for python

Python library for the book, Stochastic modelling for systems biology, third edition. This library is a Python port of the R package associated with the book.


Latest stable version:

pip install smfsb

To upgrade already installed package:

pip install --upgrade smfsb

Basic usage

Note that the book, and its associated github repo is the main source of documentation for this library. The code in the book is in R, but the code in this library is supposed to mirror the R code, but in Python.

Using a model built-in to the library

First, see how to simulate a built-in model:

import smfsb

lv =
stepLv = lv.stepGillespie()
out = smfsb.simTs(lv.m, 0, 100, 0.1, stepLv)

Now, if matplotlib is installed, you can plot the output with

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
for i in range(2):
	axis.plot(range(out.shape[0]), out[:,i])


Standard python docstring documentation is available. Usage information can be obtained from the python REPL with commands like help(smfsb.Spn), help(smfsb.Spn.stepGillespie) or help(smfsb.simTs). This documentation is also available on ReadTheDocs. The API documentation contains very minimal usage examples. For more interesting examples, see the demos directory.

Creating and simulating a model

Next, let's create and simulate our own model by specifying a stochastic Petri net explicitly.

import numpy as np
sir = smfsb.Spn(["S", "I", "R"], ["S->I", "I->R"],
	[[1,1,0],[0,1,0]], [[0,2,0],[0,0,1]],
	lambda x, t: np.array([0.3*x[0]*x[1]/200, 0.1*x[1]]),
	[197, 3, 0])
stepSir = sir.stepPTS()
sample = smfsb.simSample(500, sir.m, 0, 20, stepSir)
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
axis.set_title("Infected at time 20")

Reading and parsing models in SBML and SBML-shorthand

Note that you can read in SBML or SBML-shorthand models that have been designed for discrete stochastic simulation into a stochastic Petri net directly. To read and parse an SBML model, use

m = smfsb.file2Spn("myModel.xml")

Note that if you are working with SBML models in Python using libsbml, then there is also a function model2Spn which takes a libsbml model object.

To read and parse an SBML-shorthand model, use

m = smfsb.mod2Spn("myModel.mod")

There is also a function sh2Spn which expects a python string containing a shorthand model. This is convenient for embedding shorthand models inside python scripts, and is particularly convenient when working with things like Jupyter notebooks. Below follows a complete session to illustrate the idea by creating and simulating a realisation from a discrete stochastic SEIR model.

import smfsb
import numpy as np

seirSH = """
@model:3.1.1=SEIR "SEIR Epidemic model"
 s=item, t=second, v=litre, e=item
 Pop:S=100 s
 Pop:E=0 s	  
 Pop:I=5 s
 Pop:R=0 s
 S + I -> E + I
 beta*S*I : beta=0.1
 E -> I
 sigma*E : sigma=0.2
 I -> R
 gamma*I : gamma=0.5

seir = smfsb.sh2Spn(seirSH)
stepSeir = seir.stepGillespie()
out = smfsb.simTs(seir.m, 0, 40, 0.05, stepSeir)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
for i in range(len(seir.m)):
	axis.plot(np.arange(0, 40, 0.05), out[:,i])


A collection of appropriate models is associated with the book.

You can see this package on PyPI or GitHub.

Fast simulation and inference

If you like this library but find it a little slow, you should know that there is a JAX port of this package: JAX-smfsb. It requires a JAX installalation, and the API is (very) slightly modified, but it has state-of-the-art performance for simulation and inference.

Copyright (2023-2024) Darren J Wilkinson