
Tool for provisioning private game servers on demand

cli, discord-bot, minecraft, utility
pip install smpsave==0.2.0


smpsave - Dynamic Private Game Server Provisioner

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version Docs PyPI Deploy

Save money hosting private game servers on demand.

See documentation for more info (docs link)




Install via pip:

pip install smpsave

Or install from source:

# in root dir of repository, with venv activated
pip install .


Setup and activate venv, install dependencies:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build the package:

python -m build

Elevator pitch

Want a dedicated server powerful enough for your favorite game, but don't want to pay a cloud host nearly $50 per month? Use smpsave to only pay for what you need.

Lets say you play on your private game server 10 hours a week.

Billing before using smpsave:

  • Linode 8gb shared CPU: 24/7 for all ~720 hours in a month: $48
  • ~40 hours total usage ~94% of this cost is wasted money.

Billing after using smpsave:

  • Linode 8gb shared CPU: 10 hours a week or ~40 hours a month: $2.88

While this could be achieved by having someone manually provision the server as needed, that individual becomes a single point of failure for keeping the game running. By exposing the server controls through discord, anyone in the group can spin up the server when they want to play.