
Send SMS messages via REST api using Gammu

pip install smsgateway-gammu==0.0.2



Send SMS messages via REST api using Gammu as backend.


  • The following program works both on Linux and OSX.
  • You must already have Gammu installed and configured on the right device.

Note it's obvious that your device must manage SMS sending/receiving with Gammu perfectly.


  • Install the package into your project's virtual environment :

    pip install smsgateway-gammu


  • Modify the /etc/smsgateway.yml configuration file with your favorite text editor.
# Server settings
# Listen address, put to listen on all interfaces
host: ""

# Listen port
port: 1234

# Gammu settings
  # PIN code, enter pin code there to unlock directly from application
  pin: 1234

  # Configuration : instead of a .gammurc file you can give configuration there
  # config:
  #   Device: /dev/tty.HUAWEIMobile-Modem
  #   Connection: at

# General settings
# Phone numbers that doesn't want to receive messages from gateway
send_blacklist: ["+33689898989", "+33652525252"]

# Phone numbers that are allowed to send messages to gateway
receive_whitelist: ["+33638383838", "+33614141414"]


Start the gateway

  • To start the gateway, just type the command :


  • Or if configuration file is elsewhere than /etc/smsgateway.yml :

    smsgateway --config <your_configuration_file>

Sending a text message

There are different ways to send a message :

GET method

GET /sms?number=mynumbers&message=mymessage

Where mynumbers are phone numbers, comma separated.

For instance : GET /sms?number=+33565656565,+33689898989&message=Hello

Will send "Hello" message to the 2 phone numbers and return the JSON : {"status": "ok", "message": "messages sent"}.

POST method

POST /sms?number=mynumbers
  "message": "Hello World"

Where POST data is JSON containing the field string "message".

POST /sms?number=mynumbers
  "messages": [

Where JSON contains the field "messages" which is a list for multiple messages.

User interaction

Users allowed to send SMS messages to the gateway (receive_whitelist in config) can interact with the system.

Keywords are :

  • PING : to check if the gateway works correctly, returns PONG if all is good.
  • PAUSE : temporary pause messages coming from the gateway. It's worth to have this feature when a monitoring system spams you. To enable again just resend PAUSE.

Prometheus Alertmanager

The gateway was primary designed to work with Prometheus Alertmanager, allowing sending alerts with SMS messages.

To configure it, create a new receiver entry in the alertmanager configuration file :


  - name: sms
      - url: http://localhost:9876/sms?number=+33623232323,+33690909090