Social network visualising tool

pip install snvis==0.1.4


Social Network Visualiser (snvis)

This is a tool to visualise social networks from a spreadsheet of connections. It creates an svg image and then displays is with the default system tool.


demo image



  • xdg-open (Linux only)
  • Python 3.9 or greater
pip install snvis

or if you want the latest development version (recommended):

pip install git+


Once you have installed snvis, you can run it using snvis as long as you have added the directory it was installed to to your path. If this doesn't work, you can run:

python -m snvis

The only required argument is the spreadsheet to parse, in tab-separated values format.

An example usage would be:

snvis data.tsv --view

This runs on the file data.tsv in verbose mode so that you can see what the program is doing.

To see all options, run:

snvis -h

Data Structure

The data for the network should be in a *.tsv file. In this file, one column should contain the name for each person in the network and a second column should contain the names of all other people that the person is connected to. Connections can go both ways or just one, right now they are the same.

Example spreadsheet:

name connections
James Robert, John
Michael Wiliam, David
Roberf John
William David, Robert
David Michael
John James, roberf

Notice that there are some typos in this spreadsheet. The program can detect minor typos like "Roberf". The program uses the names in the "name" column as the correct names. In this example "Robert" would actually get corrected to "Roberf" because "Robert" is only in the "connections" column and "Roberf" is in the "name" column.



When writing commit messages, please use conventional commits.


To build a release, run

python sdist bdist_wheel