
Sonar API Wrapper - a Sonarqube api wrapper

sonar, sonarqube
pip install sonar-api-wrapper==1.1.1


Sonar API Wrapper

Sonar API Wrapper - a Sonarqube api wrapper


pip install sonar-api-wrapper

How to use


Executes an API call to SonarQube. This method wraps the requests.request method.


  • method (str): HTTP method to use (e.g., GET, POST, etc.).
  • route (str): API path that will be concatenated with base_path. For example, qualityprofiles/search.
  • parameters (dict | None): Dictionary of parameters for the API call. Default is None.
  • body (dict | None): Body of the request. Default is None.
  • files (Any): Files to be sent in the request. Default is None.
  • headers (dict | None): Headers of the request. Default is None.
  • is_json (bool): If set to True, the response will be parsed as JSON. Otherwise, it returns the decoded content. Default is True.
  • username (str | None): Username used for authentication. Default is set via the environment variable SONAR_USERNAME or "admin". Argument value has precedence, followed by environment variable value and lastly default value is used.
  • password (str | None): Password used for authentication. Default is set via the environment variable SONAR_PASSWORD or "admin". Argument value has precedence, followed by environment variable value and lastly default value is used.
  • token (str | None): Token used for authentication. It overrides username and password if present. Default value is set via the environment variable SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN or None. Argument value has precedence, followed by environment variable value and lastly default value is used.
  • base_path (str | None): The base endpoint used to build the API call. Default is set via the environment variable SONAR_HOST_URL or "http://localhost:9000/api/". Argument value has precedence, followed by environment variable value and lastly default value is used.


Returns the API response as list[dict], dict, or any other type based on the response content or raises an exception.


import os

from sonar_api_wrapper import api_call

# override default access config
os.environ['SONAR_PASSWORD'] = 'Username'
os.environ['SONAR_PASSWORD'] = 'YourPassword'
os.environ['SONAR_HOST_URL'] = 'https://yours.sonarqube/api/'

response = api_call('GET', 'qualityprofiles/search', parameters={
    'defaults': 'true'

print(f'{response["projects"] = }')


Exceptions are raised based on HTTP errors or other request issues.


Install - Dev

The dev install is only required if additional development is needed for this library

pip install -e '.[dev]'

Build the library

Run the command:

python -m build -w

Publish the library

python -m twine upload dist/*

Test the library

Run the test with command:


Multiple python environments:


Note: this command requires in the local machine python versions: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12