
A generic CSV to SQL DB caching utility.

pip install sparc.apps.cache==0.0.3



A generic information to SQL DB caching utility.


cache [-h] [--package PACKAGE] [--verbose] [--debug] source db_url

This application requires you to create one or more custom Python packages that define and register the CSV <-> SQL mapping mechanisms. See the Requirements section below for an example.

CSV information cache update script. This will import CSV data into a database. If the database is already populated, then only new entries and updates will be imported. Please reference Pypi package documentation for detailed usage information.

positional arguments:

source   Valid CSV source. This should be a path to a CSV file, or a directory that contains CSV files. CSV data sourcesthat are found to have a matching registered sparc.cache.interfaces.ICachedItemMapper interface will import updates to SQL cache area identified by db_url
db_url   Valid database url to use for connection (see for detailed specifications for url. Short-hand definition is dialect+driver://user:password@host/dbname[?key=value..].

optional arguments:

--module MODULE   Python package.module to import Python-based configuration from. See deatailed package documentation ( for how to create and registered the required components. This should be the full package.module name.
--package PACKAGE   Python package to configure for processing. There should be a valid configure.zcml file within the package that configures the required caching factories and mapping subscribers. Thisoption can be issued multiple times.

sample invocations

The samples assume you've create the mypackage Python package containing the mymodule Python module referenced below.

Cache mycsvfile.csv information into a SQLite DB based on 
mypackage.mymodule schema.

$ ~# cache --module mypackage.mymodule mycsvfile.csv sqlite:////tmp/cache.db


This utility allows the caching of CSV file information into a SQL database with appropriate data type assignment (i.e. text vs. date vs integer vs ...).


  • Can import a named CSV file, or a directory of CSV files into a SQL DB
  • Utilizes SQLAlchemy, allowing command line identified DB type selection
  • Cached data can be imported with appropriate named SQL data types


This application can be used either as an installed Python package (i.e. pip install ...), or as a platform-specific standalone binary called cache. But on it's own, the application will not do anything useful.
You must create some implementation specific python code to augment this application to perform the appropriate data caching.

One key note before we discuss the Python requirement, is the CSV source data must contain a primary key field (i.e. a field guranteed to be unique among all rows).

Python Requirement: Cachable Item factory

You'll need to provide this for the sole purpose of identifying which CSV field is considered the primary key. In the following example, the 'id' field is the primary key.

>>> from zope.component.factory import Factory
>>> from sparc.cache.item import cachableItemMixin
>>> class myItem(cachableItemMixin):
>>>     def __init__(self, attributes=None):
>>>         super(myItem, self).__init__('id', attributes)
>>> myCachableItemFactory = Factory(myItem, 'myCachableItemFactory')

The above code should work for most use-cases, where you would simply change the id entries to what-ever CSV field contains the primary key.

For advanced usage, please reference the sparc.cache.interfaces.ICachableItem interface definition and the sparc.cache documentation on how to create a factory for ICachableItem items.

Python Requirement: Cached Item factory

This component will provide the SQL schema information that will be used to create and store the equivilant CSV entries in the SQL DB. Most use-cases can leverage the pre-baked mixin class cachedItemMixin to minimize code to lines that are specific to the implementation at hand.

>>> from sparc.cache.item import cachedItemMixin
>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from import ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase
>>> from import sparcBaseMixin
>>> Base = getUtility(ISqlAlchemyDeclarativeBase)
>>> class myCachedItem(cachedItemMixin, sparcBaseMixin, Base):
>>>     _key = 'id'
>>>     id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.VARCHAR(), primary_key=True)
>>>     time = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime(), nullable=True)
>>>     user_ip = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.VARCHAR(), nullable=True)
>>>     username = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.VARCHAR(), nullable=True)
>>> myCachedItemFactory = Factory(myCachedItem, 'myCachedItemFactory')

The above code should work for most use cases where the _key identifies which attribute should be considered the primary key in the DB table and the other attributes indicate the DB table column schemas.

For advacned usage, please reference sparc.cache.interfaces.ICachedItem interface, sparc.cache documentation, and sparc.cache.sql.

Python Requirement: Mapper for CSV fields to SQL columns

This component maps CSV field names to SQL column names. Once again, we'll use a mixin class to insure our custom code requirements are minimal. For the most part, we'll provide a Python dictionary whose keys reference the CSV field names and values reference the associated SQL column names.

One note, notice the normalizedDateTime() reference below. This is a class that implements IManagedCachedItemMapperAttributeKeyWrapper (see sparc.cache.interfaces) allowing Python based data magling before SQL storage. Allow this is an advanced topic, it can be usefull in many circumstances where CSV data is not well-strucutred (for example: dates where a date string can take many different formats).

>>> from sparc.cache.sql import SqlObjectMapperMixin
>>> from sparc.cache.sources.normalized_datetime import normalizedDateTime
>>> class myItemCacheMapper(SqlObjectMapperMixin):
...     implements(ICachedItemMapper)
...     mapper = {
...               'id'       :'id', 
...               'time'     : normalizedDateTime('time'),
...               'user_ip'  : 'user_ip',
...               'username' : 'username'
...               }
...     _key = 'id'

Python Requirement: Component registration

Registration is what allows the caching application to lookup and leverage the custom components created above. We'll need to register our 2 factories for ICachableItem and ICachedItem, and also a subscriber for the ICachedItemMapper implementation.

>>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
>>> from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory
>>> from sparc.cache import ICachedItemMapper, ICachableSource
>>> sm = getSiteManager()
>>> sm.registerUtility(mypackage.mymodule.myCachableItemFactory, IFactory, u'mypackage.mymodule.myCachableItemFactory')
>>> sm.registerUtility(mypackage.mymodule.myCachedItemFactory, IFactory, u'mypackage.mymodule.myCachedItemFactory')
>>> sm.registerSubscriptionAdapter(myItemCacheMapper, (ICachableSource, IFactory,), ICachedItemMapper)

Components may also be registered via ZCML in combination with the --package launch parameter. In this case, you would need to have a properly formated configure.zcml file which defines the above components.