
Renaming Tool

characters, python, renaming-actions, replaces-whitespaces
pip install spasco==1.0.0


File and Directory Renaming Command Line Tool

PyPI - Python Version GitHub Workflow Status

Spasco is a glorified replace function: it lets you remove or replace characters occurring in file or directory names. By default it replaces whitespaces by underscores but you can easily customize the characters you want to remove/replace.


If you have files or directories containing whitespaces in your current working directory you can easily replace them by underscores using spasco:

test dir
test filespasco
You can rename 2 files and/or directories.

Before           After
'test file'  🡆  'test_file'
'test dir'   🡆  'test_dir'
──────────────────────────OK to proceed with renaming? [y/n] y
All done! 1 files and 1 directories were renamed! ✨💄✨ls



Spasco's renaming operation can be modified. For example, the search-value (default: whitespaces) and the new-value (default: underscore) can be changed.

  • Search-values other than whitespaces and new-values other than underscores can be selected temporarily or permanently
  • Files/directories within directories can be renamed (recurse into directories)
  • Scope of the renaming action can be limited (patterns with wildcard characters, filename expansion)
  • A log of the renaming actions can be recorded


Spasco can be downloaded from the Python packaging index or from this repository. It runs smoothly on Ubuntu and MacOS.

$ pip install spasco

$ pip install git+


Spasco has a configuration file that allows you to change its default behaviour. The file is generated automatically when running spasco.

search_value = ' '
new_value = _

logging_turned_on = False
logger_filename = spasco.log
logger_location = /home/user

Configuration is done through the command line interface. Logging can be turned on and off and you can customize the new search-/new-value permanently.

spasco config --help
usage: spasco config [--show-setting] [-o true/false] [-n [filename]] [-l [pathname]] [-h, --help ]

search-value and new-value can be changed. Logging to record all renaming actions as log file can be activated.

optional arguments:
  --show-settings    Returns your current settings for logging and renaming.
  -h, --help         Show this help message and exit.

log settings:
  -o [true/false]    Logging is turned on/off (default: off).
  -f [filename]      Set a new filename for the logger.
  -l [pathname]      Set a new file location for the logger.

renaming settings:
  -s [search_value]  Set a new 'search-value' permanently.
  -n [new_value]     Set a new 'new-value' permanently.

How to use Spasco

The built-in help flag --help shows which flags can be used.

optional arguments:
  -t [file_or_dir]     Select a single file or directory for renaming.
  -s [search_value]    Define custom search-value (default: ' ').
  -n [new_value]       Define custom new-value (default: '_').
  -p [pattern_only]    Only files/dirs containing the pattern are renamed.
  -e [except_pattern]  Only files/dirs not containing the pattern are
  -d, --dirs-only      Only directories are renamed.
  -f, --files-only     Only files are renamed.
  -r, --recursive      Recurse into directories.
  -i, --immediately    Skip security question, renaming preview and execute
  -v, --version        Show version number and exit.
  -h, --help           Show this help message and exit.

log and renaming configuration:
  config               Sub-command to interact with spasco's logging and
                       rename settings.

Example 1: Removing Characters

To remove characters of a kind you have to define an empty-string new-value. In the following example all dash characters will be removed:

spasco -s '-' -n ''
You can rename 2 files and/or directories.

Before          After
'folder-1'  🡆  'folder1'
'folder-2'  🡆  'folder2'

Example 2: Limit Renaming to Certain Files

Sometimes nyou don't wanna rename every file. For that case you can include/exclude files containing a specific pattern. If you want to rename only files which contain a pattern use the -p flag.

spasco -p '*.py'

If you want to prevent renaming of a file use the -e flag. In the following we exclude all dotfiles from the renaming operation.

spasco -e '.*'

Example 3: Set Search/New Values Permanently

You can change search/new-values permamnently by changing spascos configuration. For instance if you plan just to remove characters you can change spasco's default behavior permanently:

spasco config -n ''
spasco -s '.py'   #  removes all .py file endingsspasco config --show-settings
value settings:
  search_value: ' '
  new_value: ''
log settings:
  logging_turned_on: False
  logger_filename: spasco.log
  logger_location: /home/niklas

Example 4: Activate Logging

Logging your renaming operations is a useful safety net. If you renamed a file accidentally and you realize later on that you broke something it's nice to know which files where renamed. Logging is turned off by default, but you can turn it on:

spasco config -o true
Logging is activated.

All renaming operations will be logged in your HOME directory within a spasco.log file.