
Test the speed of your network connection and send the result to a monitor.

pip install speed-tester==0.1.12


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Tests your network and sends results to a remote monitor

The speedtester runs a network connection speed test and sends the results to a remote monitor (see the speed-monitor project for this).

A crontab scheduler (called speedscheduler) is also provided.


Install with pip or pipenv.

$ pip install speed-tester


The speedscheduler enables or disables the scheduler. Each 10 minutes the tester will be run if enabled.

The host, port, username and password for the monitor need to be provided; while the logfile and user are optional. There is also a --verbose flag.

See speedscheduler --help for more info.

$ speedscheduler host 8000 username s3cr3t
Enabling speed-tester... done.


The speedtester uses speedtest to check the connection; so it will find the closest server (based on pings) and will run an upload and download test with it. The result will be sent to the monitor (at host:port), and the logs will be kept in the provided logfile (by default it is speed-tester.log). The monitor needs the username and password combination.

The --verbose logs in DEBUG mode; the --console also logs to console. See speedtester --help for more info.

$ python speedtester.py localhost 8000 username s3cr3t --console --verbose
Starting the test at 2018-01-01 12:48:17.299942.
Sending the results to monitor at localhost:8000.
Found client Skynet Belgium (id:2).
Found server speedtest.valentin-deville.eu:8080 (id:5).
Getting download speed...
Getting upload speed...
Sending this result: {'download': 11385752.249035608, 'upload': 6069441.245542229, 'ping': 83.075, 'server': 5, 'timestamp': '2018-01-01T11:48:17.923443Z', 'bytes_sent': 7921664, 'bytes_received': 14592576, 'share': None, 'client': 2}.
Sent result [up:6069441.245542229, down:11385752.249035608].
Stopping the test at 2018-01-01 12:48:42.062086; took 0:00:24.762144.