
Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension

pip install sphinx-autodoc-napoleon-typehints==2.1.4


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This extension allows you to use Python 3 annotations for documenting acceptable argument types and return value types of functions. This allows you to use type hints in a very natural fashion, allowing you to migrate from this:

def format_unit(value, unit):
    Formats the given value as a human readable string using the given units.

    :param float|int value: a numeric value
    :param str unit: the unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)
    :rtype: str
    return '{} {}'.format(value, unit)

to this:

from typing import Union

def format_unit(value: Union[float, int], unit: str) -> str:
    Formats the given value as a human readable string using the given units.

    :param value: a numeric value
    :param unit: the unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)
    return '{} {}'.format(value, unit)

There is also support for google docstrings or numpy docstrings with help of the napoleon napoleon sphinx extention. This means that even docstrings like this:

def format_unit_google(self, value: Union[float, int], unit: str, test: Optional[Union[Iterable, str]]) -> str:
    Formats the given value as a human readable string using the given units.

        value: a numeric value
        unit: the unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)
        test: bla bla blathe unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)

       This function returns something of
       value: and does not overwrite this part.
    return '{} {}'.format(value, unit)

def format_unit_numpy(self, value: Union[float, int], unit: str, test: Optional[Union[Iterable, str]]) -> str:
    Formats the given value as a human readable string using the given units.

    value: a numeric value
    unit: the unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)
    test: bla bla blathe unit for the value (kg, m, etc.)

    This function returns something of
    value: and does not overwrite this part.
    return '{} {}'.format(value, unit)

the result for which is the same as above

Installation and setup

First, use pip to download and install the extension:

$ pip install sphinx-autodoc-napoleon-typehints

Then, add the extension to your conf.py:

extensions = [

How it works

The extension listens to the autodoc-process-signature and autodoc-process-docstring Sphinx events. In the former, it strips the annotations from the function signature. In the latter, it injects the appropriate :type argname: and :rtype: directives into the docstring.

Only arguments that have an existing :param: directive in the docstring get their respective :type: directives added. The :rtype: directive is added if and only if no existing :rtype: is found.

This extension does not currently have any configuration options.

Project links