
'Sphinx-Graph' is a plain-text, VCS-friendly, requirements management tool.

sphinx, requirements, documentation, plain-text, requirements-management, sphinx-extension, traceability
pip install sphinx-graph==0.2.1


Sphinx Graph

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'Sphinx-Graph' is a plain-text, VCS-friendly, requirements management tool.

With Sphinx-Graph you define relationships between items in a document. These items form a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The extension-

  • checks for cyclic references
  • populates items with links to their 'neighbours'
  • (optionally) tracks a hash of each item to trigger reviews when any parents change

Sphinx Graph is heavily inspired by Sphinx-Needs. Sphinx-Graph started life as a proof of concept refactor of Sphinx-Needs using modern python and strict type checking.

  • Sphinx-Needs is the full-featured, grand-daddy of Sphinx-Graph
  • By comparison, Sphinx-Graph is streamlined, and focuses on a much smaller feature set


The core sphinx directive provided by this extension is a 'Vertex'. A Vertex directive can be used to define relationships between text elements.

.. vertex:: USR-001

   this is a user requirement.

   This user requirement forms the basis of derived system requirements. When it is rendered in a
   sphinx document it will be augmented with links to any child vertices.

.. vertex:: SYS-001
   :parents: USR-001

   this is system requirement of some sort.

   It is derived from a higher-level user requirement (USR-001).
   When it is rendered in a sphinx document, it will be augmented with links to its parent as well
   as any 'children'.

.. vertex:: SYS-002
   :parents: USR-001:iG91

   this is another system requirement. This time the link to USR-001 is tracking the 'fingerprint'
   of its parent.

   The fingerprint is a 4-character hash. If USR-001 is modified, then SYS-002 will fail the build
   until the fingerprint is updated (the build error provides the new fingerprint). This means that
   changing a Vertex will trigger a review of all dependent vertices.

For more information, see the docs.

or, build the local docs-

  cd docs
  poetry run make html

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