
Python program to index Sphinx-based documentations into Elasticsearch or Opensearch

Sphinx, search, python
pip install sphinx-opensearch==0.1.0



The project sphinx-opensearch is used to index Sphinx-based documentations into Opensearch or Elasticsearch environments. The current application is in alpha state and will be maintained continuosly until a first productive version will be released.


The following instructions describe several ways to install sphinx-opensearch.

Installation via PyPi repository

pip install sphinx-opensearch

Installation from Sources

git clone git@github.com:opentelekomcloud/sphinx-opensearch.git
cd ./sphinx-opensearch
python setup.py install


The listed parameters are used to configure the indexing behavior of python-spinxsearch.

Parameter Default Function
--base-url <base_url> Base-URL used to define a given URL where the documentation files are listed, e.g. http://test.com/
--delete-index If this parameter is set, the content of the index will be deleted first.
--doc-url <doc_url> Optional URL part to substitute different documentation names under a given base-url, e.g. api-ref/service-A/ . The combination of mandatory base-URL and optional doc-URL results in the final URL.
--hosts <host:port> localhost:9200 Provide one or multiple host_port values separated by space for multiple hosts.
--index <index> test-index OpenSearch / ElasticSearch index name
--path <path> ./ Path to json output folder of Sphinx.
--post-count <count> 5 Number of files being loaded for indexing iteration at the same time.
--user <username> Username authorized for indexing operations. If the environment variable SEARCH_USER is set, the parameter will be omitted.
--password <password> Password for the user account. If the environment variable SEARCH_PASSWORD is set, the parameter will be omitted.
--variant <variant> opensearch Search backend variant. Choices: elasticsearch, opensearch


The following example shows the usage of sphinx-opensearch.


As prerequesit the Sphinx-build process of any project has already been finished and the build format is JSON.

sphinxsearch --delete-index --base-url 'http://test.com/' --doc-url 'umn/compute/' --hosts myhost:9200 yourhost:9200 --index compute --path path/to/sphinx/json-output/ --post-count 5 --user ME --password PW --variant opensearch