
Sphinx "cjkspacer" extension

pip install sphinxcontrib-cjkspacer==0.3.1


CI License: MIT


A Sphinx extension, which inserts spacer elements between the Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) characters and the other characters.

Some of the word processors, e.g., Microsoft® Word and TeX (at least in the case of pTeX), adjust the distances (spaces) between the CJK characters and the others automatically (c.f. Requirements for Japanese Text Layout#spacing between characters). Unfortunately, however, HTML with CSS does not have this function as of CSS3 (See the text-spacing property discussed in some old versions of W3C® Working Draft, e.g., 1 September 2011 and 19 January 2012). This Sphinx extension provides an alternative function to adjust such distances.

Description for Japanese

異なる種類の文字種間の空き量(スペース)を調整する機能を持たないフォーマットに、日本語を含むCJK文字とその他の文字種の間での空き量調整機能を与えるSphinx拡張です。 この拡張とsphinxcontrib-trimblankなどを併用することで、HTML出力において、数字/英語と日本語の間への手動でのスペース挿入・除去を行うよりも自然な仕上がりを実現することを目指しています(日本語によるデモ)。

ただし、現状では組版処理の要件(日本語版)に記載されているような高度な調整は行っておらず、2種の判断基準による1種類の空き量しか導入していません。 CSS3で延期された text-spacing が今後CSS4などで導入されればこの拡張は不要になることでしょう。


This extension is inspired by sphinxcontrib-trimblank. The combination betweeen sphinxcontrib-trimblank and sphinxcontrib-cjkspacer should work well for the html builders: sphinxcontrib-trimblank removes redundant spaces caused by the limitation of the reStructuredText syntax, and then sphinxcontrib-cjkspacer adjusts distances among characters (See Japanese demo).


pip install sphinxcontrib-cjkspacer


Add sphinxcontrib.cjkspacer in the extensions list in conf.py.

extensions += ['sphinxcontrib.cjkspacer']


tests/: (Japanese demo)

  • In conf.py

    extensions += ['sphinxcontrib.trimblank', 'sphinxcontrib.cjkspacer']
    html_css_files = ['custom.css']
  • In _static/custom.css

    .cjkspacer:after {
        content: '\0020';
        font-size: 50%;


  • cjkspacer_spacer: (default: {'html':'<span class="cjkspacer"></span>'})

    A dictionary which has format:spacer_string pairs. The value of spacer_string will be inserted between the CJK characters and the others when the format of the builder is format.

    By using the default value, you can use .cjkspacer class in your custom css as follows:

    The width of this type of space should be 1/4 of the width of the CJK characters, at least in the cases of Japanese language (shibu aki "四分アキ", see cl-19 ideographic characters:cl-27 Western characters and cl-27:cl-19 in Table 1 Spacing between characters). Hence, with the ordinary (half-width) space character \u0020,

    .cjkspacer:after {
        content: '\0020';
        font-size: 50%;

    may be the most preferable solution. The use of the full-width space \u3000,

    .cjkspacer:after {
        content: '\3000';
        font-size: 25%;

    may be closer to the definition we need. In the most cases, however, we cannot specify such a small font-size value. Of course you can use other space characters, like the thin space character \u2009. If you need, you can specify the width numerically as the following example:

    .cjkspacer {
        padding-right: 0.15em;

    Note that the width of \u0020 depends on the font you use. For example,

    font-family width of \u0020 (eye measurement)
    Lucida Sans Unicode 0.31em
    Verdana 0.34em
    sans-serif 0.33em
    Segoe UI 0.28em
    Helvetica 0.28em
    Arial 0.33em

    Finally, if you cannot edit css files, the following example may be possible solution (in conf.py)

    cjkspacer_spacer_str = {'html': '&thinsp;'}

    This however causes selectable spaces in the text.

  • cjkspacer_cjk_characters

  • cjkspacer_before_exceptions

  • cjkspacer_after_exceptions

    These three elements decide the boundaries between the CJK characters and the other characters.

    If regular expressions

    • f'(?<![{cjkspacer_before_exceptions}{cjkspacer_cjk_characters}])(?=[{cjkspacer_cjk_characters}'])


    • f'(?<=[{cjkspacer_cjk_characters}])(?![{cjkspacer_after_exceptions}{cjkspacer_cjk_characters}])'

    match parts of texts, they are regarded as the boundaries.

Default values of cjkspacer_cjk_characters, cjkspacer_before_exceptions, and cjkspacer_after_exceptions

In the default configuration, we employ relatively simple rules.

If a CJK character is preceded by a space ( \t\f\v), newline (\n\r), or opening parenthesis (({[), we do not insert a spacer before the CJK character.

If a CJK character is followed by a space ( \t\f\v), newline (\n\r), closing parenthesis ()}]), or punctuation (,.:;!?), we do not insert a spacer after the CJK character.

Here, we do not use r'\s' instead of ' \t\f\v', because r'\s' also matches Ideographicl Space (\u3000,  ).

The following Unicode blocks are adopted as the CJK characters in the default value of cjkspacer_cjk_characters:

  • CJK characters

    from to Example Unicode block name
    \u2E80 \u2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement
    \u2F00 \u2FDF Kangxi Radicals
    \u2FF0 \u2FFF Ideographic Description Characters
    \u3000 \u303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation
    \u3040 \u309F Hiragana
    \u30A0 \u30FF Katakana
    \u3100 \u312F Bopomofo
    \u3130 \u318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo
    \u3190 \u319F Kanbun
    \u31A0 \u31BF Bopomofo Extended
    \u31C0 \u31EF CJK Strokes
    \u31F0 \u31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions
    \u3200 \u32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
    \u3300 \u33FF CJK Compatibility
    \u3400 \u4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
    \u4DC0 \u4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols
    \u4E00 \u9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs
    \uF900 \uFAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs
    \uFF00 \uFF60 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Full width Forms)
    \uFFE0 \uFFE6 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Full width Forms)
    \U00020000 \U0002A6DF 𠀀 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
    \U0002A700 \U0002B73F 𪜀 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
    \U0002B740 \U0002B81F 𫝀 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
    \U0002B820 \U0002CEAF 𫠠 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
    \U0002CEB0 \U0002EBEF 𬺰 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
    \U0002F800 \U0002FA1F 丽 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
    \U00030000 \U0003134F 𰀀 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G

The following block is also included into cjkspacer_cjk_characters for consistency with Enclosed CJK Letters and Months.

  • Treated as CJK characters

    from to Example Unicode block name
    \u2460 \u24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics

The following characters are eliminated from cjkspacer_cjk_characters since they are spaces, punctuation, and parentheses. Instead, they are included into cjkspacer_before_exceptions and cjkspacer_after_exceptions.

  • Exceptions among CJK symbols and punctuation (\u3000-\u303F)

    Unicode Character Name
    \u3000   Ideographicl Space
    \u3001 Ideographic Comma
    \u3002 Ideographic Full Stop
    \u3008 Left Angle Bracket
    \u3009 Right Angle Bracket
    \u300A Left Double Angle Bracket
    \u300B Right Double Angle Bracket
    \u300C Left Corner Bracket
    \u300D Right Corner Bracket
    \u300E Left White Corner Bracket
    \u300F Right White Corner Bracket
    \u3010 Left Black Lenticular Bracket
    \u3011 Right Black Lenticular Bracket
    \u3014 Left Tortoise Shell Bracket
    \u3015 Right Tortoise Shell Bracket
    \u3016 Left White Lenticular Bracket
    \u3017 Right White Lenticular Bracket
    \u3018 Left White Turtoise Shell Bracket
    \u3019 Right White Turtoise Shell Bracket
    \u301A Left White Square Bracket
    \u301B Right White Square Bracket
  • Exceptions among Katakana (\u30A0-\u30FF)

    Unicode Character Name
    \u30FB Katakana Middle Dot
  • Exceptions among Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (\uFF00-\uFF60, \uFFE0-\uFFE6)

    Unicode Character Name
    \uFF01 Fullwidth Exclamation Mark
    \uFF02 Fullwidth Quotation Mark
    \uFF07 Fullwidth Apostrophe
    \uFF08 Fullwidth Left Parenthesis
    \uFF09 Fullwidth RIght Parenthesis
    \uFF0C Fullwidth Comma
    \uFF0E Fullwidth Full Stop
    \uFF0F Fullwidth Solidus
    \uFF1A Fullwidth Colon
    \uFF1B Fullwidth Semicolon
    \uFF1F Fullwidth Question Mark
    \uFF3B Fullwidth Left Square Bracket
    \uFF3C Fullwidth Reverse Solidus
    \uFF3D Fullwidth Right Square Bracket
    \uFF5B Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket
    \uFF5C Fullwidth Vertical Line
    \uFF5D Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket
    \uFF5F Fullwidth Left White Parenthesis
    \uFF60 Fullwidth Right White Parenthesis

Thus, we set the following as the default configuration.

cjkspacer_cjk_characters    = r'\u2460-\u24FF\u2E80-\u2FFF\u3003-\u3007\u3012\u3013\u301C-\u30FA\u30FC-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFAFF\uFF00\uFF03-\uFF06\uFF0A\uFF0B\uFF0D\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF1C\uFF1D\uFF1E\uFF20-\uFF3A\uFF3E-\uFF5A\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\U00020000-\U0002A6DF\U0002A700-\U0002EBEF\U0002F800-\U0002FA1F\U00030000-\U0003134F'
cjkspacer_before_exceptions = ' \t\f\v\n\r' + r'({\[\u3000\u3001\u3002\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301B\u30FB\uFF01\uFF02\uFF07\uFF08\uFF09\uFF0C\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF3B\uFF3C\uFF3D\uFF5B\uFF5C\uFF5D\uFF5F\uFF60'
cjkspacer_after_exceptions  = ' \t\f\v\n\r' + r')}\],.:;!?\u3000\u3001\u3002\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301B\u30FB\uFF01\uFF02\uFF07\uFF08\uFF09\uFF0C\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF3B\uFF3C\uFF3D\uFF5B\uFF5C\uFF5D\uFF5F\uFF60'


MIT License