
spider-feeder is a library to help loading inputs to scrapy spiders.

pip install spider-feeder==0.1.0



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spider-feeder is a library to help loading inputs to scrapy spiders.


  • pip install spider-feeder to load only local files
  • pip install spider-feeder[s3] to load files from AWS S3
  • pip install spider-feeder[collections] to load from Scrapinghub Collections


  • If using s3, it requires botocore
  • If using collections, it requires python-scrapinghub
  • Otherwise, no requirements

Usage (plain text)

Create a file urls.txt in your project with some urls (as in the example below).


Then, in settings.py

    'spider_feeder.loaders.StartUrlsLoader': 0


And run the spider scrapy crawl myspider.com

Once the URLs were loaded, the total count will be stored in a stats spider_feeder/<spider.name>/url_count. This value is simply len(spider.start_urls).

Usage (csv/json)

Create a file urls.csv in your project with some urls (as in the example below).


Then, in settings.py

    'spider_feeder.loaders.StartUrlsAndMetaLoader': 0


The same applies for json, just requiring to update the file extension to .json instead of .csv. This means that the input file format is inferred from the given file extension.

If you need the extra fields in the input files, you can write start_requests to get them.

# my_spider.py

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

    def start_requests(self):
        # super().start_requests() makes requests using URLs in self.start_urls
        # self.start_meta is populated with extra fields from input by StartUrlsAndMetaLoader
        for (request, meta) in zip(super().start_requests(), self.start_meta):
            yield request


There are two extensions to load input data to your spiders.

  • spider_feeder.loaders.StartUrlsLoader: sets a list of urls to spider.start_urls
  • spider_feeder.loaders.StartUrlsAndMetaLoader: overrides spider.start_urls and a custom attribute spider.start_meta with extra metadata parsed from json, csv or collections.


SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_URI is the URI to load URLs from.

  • If scheme (file, s3, collections) is not provided, it'll default to file
  • It can be formatted using spider attributes like %(param)s (similar to FEED_URI in scrapy)
  • Supported schemes are:
    • '' or file for local files
    • s3 for AWS S3 (requires botocore)
      • The URI can be formatted as s3://key_id:secret_key@bucket/blob.txt
      • If key_id and secret_key are not provided in the URI, they can be provided by the following settings: SPIDERFEEDER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SPIDERFEEDER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
      • If they are not provided by these settings, they will fall back to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
      • If not set, they can be set as environment variables from botocore, but a warning will be logged by spider-feeder.
    • collections for Scrapinghub Collections
    • http or https to load from any URI

SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_FILE_ENCODING sets the file encoding. DEFAULT = 'utf-8'.

SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_FORMAT sets the file format (txt, csv, json). DEFAULT = None. This setting is preferred over the file extension in SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_URI. So, if SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_FORMAT is set, this is the one to be used, otherwise it will fall back to the file extension in SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_URI.

SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_FIELD sets the url field when parsing json or csv files.

SPIDERFEEDER_FILE_HANDLERS is a set of functions to be matched with the given file scheme. You can set your own and it'll be merged with the default one. The interface is just a plain function with three arguments file_uri, encoding and settings.

# settings.py
    's3': 'myproject.my_custom_s3_reader.open'

# myproject.my_custom_s3_reader.py
def open(file_uri, encoding, settings):
    # my code here

SPIDERFEEDER_FILE_PARSERS is a set of parsers to be matched with the given file extension. You can set your own and it'll be merged with the default one. The interface is a class with __init__(settings: scrapy.Settings) and parse(fd: file object) -> Union[List[str], List[dict]] method. Return List[str] if there is no extra meta to be returned. Return List[dict] with a key SPIDERFEEDER_INPUT_FIELD and some extra meta.

# settings.py
    's3': 'myproject.my_custom_parser.parse'

# myproject.my_custom_parser.py
def parse(fd, settings):
    # some parsing strategy
    return ['url1', 'url2']

SPIDERFEEDER_STORES is a set of absctractions to load URLs from. Currently, FileStore for file://, s3://, http://, https://, and ScrapinghubCollectionStore for collections://. Say you want to load URLs from an API, then you can add your custom Store and set it to an scheme.

# settings.py
    'http': 'myproject.custom_store.HttpStore'

# myproject.custom_store.py
class HttpStore:
    def __init__(self, input_uri, settings):
        # do somethig here

    def __iter__(self):
        for url in self._api_request():
            yield (url, {})
            # the second tuple element is the extra data/fields from the API 

    def _api_request(self):
        # load URLs from the API and return them
        return []