Simple PLOTs, Contours and Histograms is a small package with wrapper functions designed to simplify plotting calls from matplotlib.

pip install splotch==


Simple PLOTs, Contours and Histograms is a small package with wrapper functions designed to simplify plotting calls from matplotlib.

Github release PyPI version


Histograms Scatter Plots
drawing drawing
Contour Plots Sector Plots
drawing drawing
Corner Plots Subplots
drawing drawing

The package is available in for installation using >pip install splotch, though you may get the lastest stable version using >pip install git+, or the latest development version using >pip install git+

The documentation is splotch's readthedocs page.

Planned releases:

  • Addition of legend customisation function (
  • Re-work for PEP coding style compliance (using PyLint) (
  • Add basic tests with Travis (
  • Improved documentation and first version release (