
spreadscript: Use a spreadsheet as a function.

command-line, evaluation, function, interface, spreadsheet
pip install spreadscript==0.0.1


SpreadScript: Use a spreadsheet as a function

This project provides a way to use spreadsheets from the command line or from Python programs.

The inputs and outputs are defined by two tables in a new sheet named "Interface". SpreadScript will read the input variables from column B and the values from column C. Likewise, the output variables are read from column E and their values from column F. In both cases, the variables are read from row 4 onward until an empty cell is encountered.



apt install python3-uno

Via PyPI:

pip3 install spreadscript

From source:

git clone https://github.com/jfjlaros/spreadscript.git
cd spreadscript
pip3 install .


Suppose we have the following table.

Example table.

If we want to define a and b as input variables and total as the output variable, we add a new sheet named "Interface".

Example interface.

In this sheet we put the input variables in column B and the values in column C. The value of C4 is =$Sheet1.C3 and that of C5 is =$Sheet1.C4.

Likewise, the output variables are put in column E and the values in column F. The value of F4 is =$Sheet1.C8.

Command line interface

With the command line interface, the input and output table can be read.

$ spreadscript read_input data/test.ods
{"b": 2.0, "a": 1.0}

$ spreadscript read_output data/test.ods
{"total": 15.0}

To manipulate the input, use the process subcommand:

$ spreadscript process data/test.ods '{"b": 12.0}'
{"total": 25.0}


First import the SpreadScript class and load a spreadsheet.

>>> from spreadscript import SpreadScript
>>> spreadsheet = SpreadScript('data/test.ods')

The input variables can be read with the read_input method.

>>> spreadsheet.read_input()
{'b': 2.0, 'a': 1.0}

The read_output method returns all output variables.

>>> spreadsheet.read_output()
{'total': 15.0}

The write_input method is used to update any variables.

>>> spreadsheet.write_input({'b': 4.0})
>>> spreadsheet.read_output()
{'total': 17.0}