
Package to parse SQL scripts for information

pip install sqlexpress==0.2.0


SQL Express


How often do you find yourself in the following situation:

  • Having tons of SQL files to maintain
    • E.g. trust & safety teams with many rules written in SQL
    • E.g. data engineering teams with many ETL jobs written in SQL
  • No time to read & understand the logic of every single SQL
    • E.g. each SQL could be up to 1000s of lines long
    • E.g. logic could be complicated & not well documented
  • Struggle with data quality issues
    • E.g. output has issue because source tables have issue / missing data
  • Struggle with query optimization
    • E.g. SQLs may contain repeated logic that can be combined to save cost & money

Wouldn't it be nice if there is a package that can:

  • Summarize the logic of your SQLs
  • Perform data sanity checks on the required source tables
  • Identify repeated logics across your SQLs

Given a single SQL file, this package is designed to:

  • Parse query structure
  • Extract source tables
  • < more to come >

Given multiple SQL files, this package is further designed to:

  • Bulk perform all functionalities listed above
  • Visualise relationship between source & output tables across SQLs
  • < more to come >

Getting Started


pip install sqlexpress

Single SQL File

Using command line:

# print query structure
python3 -m sqlexpress structure -f tests/data/example1.sql

# print source tables
python3 -m sqlexpress sources -f tests/data/example1.sql

Using python:

from sqlexpress.parsers import QueryParser
query = open('tests/data/example1.sql', 'r').read()
parser = QueryParser(query)

# print query structure

# get source tables
source_tables = parser.extract_sources()  # ['`project.dataset.raw1`', ...]

Multiple SQL Files

Firstly, create a yaml file containing details of the SQL files (example).

Using command line:

# process yaml file
python3 -m sqlexpress bulk -f tests/data/bulk1.yaml

# visualize relationships between tables
export WEBSERVER_FOLDER=tests/data  # folder containing yaml files
python3 -m sqlexpress webserver     # start web server

Extracted details are stored in a json file (example).

Web Server


pip install sqlexpress[web]

Home page

Shows all yaml files inside WEBSERVER_FOLDER.

  • Click on Extract button to process yaml file.
  • Click on file name to jump to project page.


Project page

Shows the following details:

  1. Input - Contents of yaml file
  2. Output - Contents of json file
  3. Graph - Visualisation of source & output tables
  4. Table: List all tables extracted from SQLs


Under The Hood

Want to identify the structure of the query first so that it is easier to identify other things (e.g. source tables). This is done in 2 steps:


With the parsed structure, we can construct a directed table graph (below) even with long, complicated queries. The source tables can be easily identified from the table graph (nodes with only outward arrows).
