
StackHut client-side Python library

pip install stackhut-client==0.1.1


StackHut Python Client Library

StackHut client library to call dev, local, and hosted StackHut services dynamically and asynchronously from your Python code as if it were a local function.


There are 3 main objects in the library,


This is the main library you create per service to communicate with it. It takes several parameters on construction, where those in square brackets are optional,

import stackhut_client as client
client.SHService(author, service_name, [service_version], [auth], [host])
  • author - The author of the service
  • service_name - The service name
  • version - The specific verion of the service (is latest if left blank)
  • auth - An SHAuth object used to authenticate requests for private services
  • host - URL for the StackHut API server, can be set to point to local servers during development, is if left blank

To make a remote call, just call the interface and method name on the service object, e.g.,

result = service.Interface.method(params, ...)


An optional object used to authenticate requests to a service,

client.SHAuth(user, [hash], [token])
  • user - Username of a registered StackHut user
  • hash - Hash of the user's password (you can find this in ~/.stackhut.cfg). Be careful not to use in public-facing code.
  • token - A valid API token created for the user

One of hash or token must be present in the auth object to authorise a request by the given user.


Returned in the event of a remote service error in the catch block of a rejected promise.

The object has 3 parameters,

  • code - The RPC error code
  • message - A string describing the error
  • data - An optional object that may contain additional structured data for handling the error


Using the existing service called demo-nodejs by user stackhut, we create the main service object,

import stackhut_client as client
service = client.SHService('stackhut', 'web-tools')

From here we can call any functions on any interfaces exposed by the hosted stackhut/demo-nodejs service, as follows,

result = service.Default.renderWebpage("", 1024, 768)
print("Page render at {}".format(result))


  • Python 3+ only currently (built on 3.4), looking into python-future for 2.x compatibility.
  • Calls are currently synchronous but we will switch to an async-based solution following the release of Python 3.5.