
A package of getting game reviews from steam platform easily, for further text analytics projects.

pip install steam-reviews==0.1.0


Steam Reviews

A package of getting game reviews from steam easily, for further text analytics projects.


The package is available in PyPi.

pip install steam_reviews


Basic usage

For example, we load the reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 from the api. The function load_from_api takes two arguments.

  • First is necessary, the appid. It can be find in the web page of the game in steam store. Like Cyberpunk 2077's page:, the number 1091500 in the url is its appid.
  • Second can be ignored, if you want to take all the reviews, it controls the number of reviews that the program will take from the web api.
from steam_reviews import ReviewLoader
# AppId is 1091500, and we need 1000 reviews
reviews = ReviewLoader().load_from_api(1091500, 1000)
# Save the review text to a list
review_list = reviews.review_list()
# Save the data as json file, provide the folder path as the argument

With more parameters

You can add more parameters to get customized reviews. More information can be found in the functions' documents in the source code.

set_language() is used most frequently, it sets the language of the reviews that downloaded by the program. All supported language can be found here:

from steam_reviews import ReviewLoader
# Set the language of reviews to english
reviews_en = ReviewLoader().set_language('english') \
                        .load_from_api(1091500, 1000)
# Set the language of reviews to simplified chinese
reviews_zh = ReviewLoader().set_language('schinese') \
                        .load_from_api(1091500, 1000)

Load reviews of several games

The funciton load_batch_from_api() can receive a list containing appids and request all the reviews for each of the game.

from steam_reviews import ReviewLoader
appids = [1091500, 1097150]
reviews = ReviewLoader().set_language('english') \
                        .set_num_per_page(50) \
                        .load_batch_from_api(appids, 1000)

Load from local json files

from steam_reviews import ReviewLoader
# File path of the saved json data
file_path = 'path/to/data/reviews_1091500.json'
reviews = ReviewLoader().load_from_local(file_path)