
Get YouTube chat comments with minimum time lag

livestream, pytchat, youtube
pip install streamchat-agent==0.0.1



YouTube chat poller which can get massages very smothly by using internal queue.

The user of this library can

  • receive YouTube chat messages continiously by registering callback.
  • natively obtain high performance by using internal queue.

How to install

You can select from following ways.

Install from PyPI

  • Install package to your environment.
    $ pip install streamchat-agent

Install from GitHub repository

  • Clone this repository.
    $ clone
  • Change directory to the root of the repository.
    $ cd StreamChatAgent
  • Install package to your environment.
    $ pip install .

How to use

  • Sample codes exists here

    import sys
    import re
    import StreamChatAgent as sca  # Import this.
    # callback for getting YouTube chat item
    # You can implement several processes in it.
    # This example prints datetime, ahthor name, message, of each item.
    def get_item_cb(c):
      print(f"{c.datetime} [{}]- {c.message}")
    # pre putting queue filter
    # You can edit YouTube chat item before putting internal queue.
    # You can avoid putting internal queue by returning None.
    # This example removes item whose message consists of stamps only.
    def pre_filter_cb(c):
      return None if re.match(r'^(:[^:]+:)+$', c.message) else c
    # post getting queue filter
    # You can edit YouTube chat item after popping internal queue.
    # You can avoid sending item to get_item_cb by returning None.
    # This example removes stamps from message of item.
    def post_filter_cb(c):
      c.message = re.sub(r':[^:]+:','', c.message)
      return c
    # Video ID is given from command line in this example.
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
    # Create StreamChatAgent instance.
    params = sca.params(
      video_id = sys.argv[1],
      get_item_cb = get_item_cb,
      pre_filter_cb = pre_filter_cb,
      post_filter_cb = post_filter_cb
    agent = sca.StreamChatAgent( params )
    # Start async getting YouTube chat items.
    # Then get_item_cb is called continuosly.
    # Wait any key inputted from keyboad.
    # Finish getting items.
    # Internal thread will stop soon.
    # Wait terminating internal threads.
    del agent
  • Output of the sample

    % python3 ./ MB57rMXXXXs
    2023-05-19 05:21:26 [John]- Hello!
    2023-05-19 05:21:27 [Kelly]- Hello everyone!
    2023-05-19 05:21:27 [Taro]- Welcome to our stream.

Params given to Constructor

  • StreamChatAgent object can be configured with following params given to constructor.

    name description default
    video_id String following after 'v=' in url of target YouTube live -
    get_item_cb Chat items are thrown to this callback None
    pre_filter_cb Filter set before internal queue None
    post_filter_cb Filter set between internal queue and get_item_cb None
    max_queue_size Max slots of internal queue (0 is no limit) 1000
    interval_sec Polling interval of picking up items from YouTube 0.01 [sec]



  • Start polling and calling user callbacks asyncronously.
  • No arguments required, nothing returns.


  • Wait terminating internal threads kicked by start().
  • No arguments required, nothing returns.


  • Start polling and calling user callbacks syncronously.
  • Lines following the call of the method never executen before terminate of internal threads.
  • No arguments required, nothing returns.


  • Request to terminate polling and calling user callbacks.
  • Internal process will be terminated soon after.
  • No arguments required, nothing returns.

And other threading.Thread public pethods are available.



  • Callback for getting YouTube chat items.
  • You can implement several processes in it.
  • YouTube chat item is thrown as an argument.
  • It's not be assumed that any values are returned.


  • pre putting queue filter.
  • YouTube chat item is thrown as an argument.
  • You can edit YouTube chat items before putting internal queue.
  • It's required that edited chat item is returned.
  • You can avoid putting internal queue by returning None.


  • post getting queue filter
  • You can edit YouTube chat items after popping internal queue.
  • It's required that edited chat item is returned.
  • You can avoid sending item to get_item_cb by returning None.

Type of YouTube Chat item

Concept of design

  • Putting thread is separated from getting thread in order to avoid locking polling.
    Unexpected sleep of pytchat may reduce by ths approach.
  • If internal queue is full when putting thread try to push new item, oldest item is removed from the queue before pushing.


StreamingChaatAgent uses following libraries internally.

  • pytchat   Python library for fetching youtube live chat.