just another mod to print strings in 256 colors in the terminal.
pip install string-color==0.2.9
string-color is just another python module for coloring strings in print statements.
$ pip install string-color
from stringcolor import *
# a few examples without background colors.
# for color names see CLI usage below.
print(cs("here we go", "orchid"))
print(cs("away to space!", "DeepPink3"))
print(cs("final fantasy", "#ffff87"))
# bold and underline also available.
print(cs("purple number 4, bold", "purple4").bold())
print(cs("blue, underlined", "blue").underline())
print(bold("bold AND underlined!").underline().cs("red", "gold"))
print(underline("the bottom line."))
# yellow text with a red background.
# color names, hex values, and ansi numbers will work.
print(cs("warning!", "yellow", "#ff0000"))
# concat
print(cs("wild", "pink")+" stuff")
print("nothing "+cs("something", "DarkViolet2", "lightgrey6"))
# use any working rgb or hex values.
# it will find the closest color available.
print(cs("this will show up red", "#ff0009"))
print(cs("so will this", "rgb(254, 0, 1)"))
# use with format and f-strings
print(f"this is a test {cs('to check formatting with f-strings', 'yellow', 'grey').bold().underline()}")
print("this is a test {}".format(cs('to check the format function', 'purple', 'lightgrey11').bold().underline()))
usage: string-color [-h] [-x] [-r] [--hsl] [-a] [-v] [color]
just another mod for printing strings in color.
positional arguments:
color show info for a specific color:
$ string-color red
$ string-color '#ffff87'
$ string-color *grey* # wildcards acceptable
$ string-color '#E16A7F' # any hex not found will return the closest match
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x, --hex show hex values
-r, --rgb show rgb values
--hsl show hsl values
-a, --alpha sort by name
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
$ string-color
display a list of all 256 colors
$ string-color yellow
show color info for the color yellow
$ string-color "#ff0000"
show color info for the hex value #ff0000
$ string-color *grey*
show all colors with "grey" in the name. also works with "grey*" and "*grey"