Define a bare structured API, useful for interfaces that don't need to be portable across multiple platforms. E.G. embedded applications targeting a single architecture.
Define the API in TOML or another markup language.
brief = 'Command set for a thermostat'
description = 'Provides basic debug commands for a thermostat. Allows for both imperial and metric units.'
description = "Debug commands for thermostat"
display_name = "Thermostat command"
type = "group"
description = "Request a software reset"
display_name = "reset request"
size = 0
type = "structure"
groups.commands = { value = 1, name = "reset" }
description = "Request a change in temperature"
display_name = "Request temperature change"
members = [
{ name = "temperature", size = 2, type = 'int', description = 'Desired temperature' },
{ name = "units", size = 1, type = 'temperature_units', description = 'Selected temperature unit' },
size = 3
type = "structure"
groups.commands = { value = 2, name = "temperature_set" }
This will generate code that looks like this for c by default
* @file
* @brief Command set for a thermostat
* Provides basic debug commands for a thermostat. Allows for both imperial and
* metric units.
* @note This file is autogenerated using structured_api
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <static_assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// commands tag
/// Enumeration for commands tag
typedef enum commands_tag_e {
/// @see cmd_reset_t
commands_tag_reset = 0x1,
/// @see cmd_temperature_set_t
commands_tag_temperature_set = 0x2,
} commands_tag_t;
STATIC_ASSERT_TYPE_SIZE(commands_tag_t, 1);
/// reset request
/// Request a software reset
typedef struct cmd_reset_s {
/// Structure is intentionally empty (zero sized)
uint8_t empty[0];
} cmd_reset_t;
STATIC_ASSERT_TYPE_SIZE(cmd_reset_t, 0);
/// Request temperature change
/// Request a change in temperature
typedef struct cmd_temperature_set_s {
/// Desired temperature
int16_t temperature;
/// Selected temperature unit
temperature_units_t units;
} cmd_temperature_set_t;
STATIC_ASSERT_TYPE_SIZE(cmd_temperature_set_t, 3);
/// Thermostat command
/// Debug commands for thermostat
typedef struct commands_u_s {
/// commands tag
commands_tag_t tag;
union {
/// Request a software reset
cmd_reset_t reset;
/// Request a change in temperature
cmd_temperature_set_t temperature_set;
} value;
} commands_u_t;
STATIC_ASSERT_TYPE_SIZE(commands_u_t, 4);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // STRUCTURES_H_
An example is given in the examples folder:
struct-writer --input-definition examples/structures.toml --output-file examples/output/structures.h
Code generation is customizable using templates. If no templates are provided, we use the default C template.
The default template is shown in the examples folder.
struct-writer --input-definition examples/structures.toml --output-file examples/output/structures.h --template-file examples/template.toml
Chain templates together to more tightly specify certain files in a project. For example if a certain file needs specific includes.
struct-writer --input-definition examples/structures.toml --output-file examples/output/structures.h --template-file examples/template.toml --template-file examples/packed_templates.toml
watchexec.exe --clear --restart --debounce 500 --exts py,toml "isort . && black . && pytest && struct-writer --input-definition examples/structures.toml --template-files examples/template.toml --output-file examples/output/structures.h && pylint ."