
A small program to easily set up a Sublime Text project file..

pip install sublimebootstrap==0.0.2


Sublime Bootstrap


A small program to easily set up a Sublime Text project file.



View the help for this tool by executing the following command in a shell:

$ subl -h
usage: subl [-h] [-f [PROJECT_FILE]] [-if IGNORED_FILES] [-id IGNORED_FOLDERS]
            [-ad ADD_DIRS] [--import-gitignore] [--import-system-gitignore]
            [--open] [--version]
            [files [files ...]]

Bootstrap app for Sublime projects.

positional arguments:
  files                 Files to open in Sublime Text. If no files are given,
                        the command will open the the *.sublime-project of the
                        current repo, if one exists.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f [PROJECT_FILE]     Name of the sublime config file (default is
                        <repo_root_dir_name>.sublime-project if a *.sublime-
                        project file cannot be found in the repo root).
  -if IGNORED_FILES     Add files to the "ignore_files" section of the
                        *.sublime-project file.
  -id IGNORED_FOLDERS   Add directories to the "ignore_folders" section of the
                        *.sublime-project file.
  -ad ADD_DIRS          Add directories to the "folders" section of the
                        *.sublime-project file.
  --import-gitignore    Add ignored patterns from your gitignore file
                        (trailing "/" in pattern assumed to be folder).
                        Add ignored patterns from your system gitignore file
                        (trailing "/" in pattern assumed to be folder).
  --open                Open the *.sublime-project file. (automatic if no
                        arguments are given)
  --version             show program's version number and exit