
Transactions on existing SVG documents: inject/extract/modify

svg, vector, graphics, scalable, xml, visualisation
pip install svgpipe==0.1.0


svg|pipe Transactions for existing SVG documents

Note: The project is in an early stage of development. 0.x.x versions do not garantee a stable API.

inject data and SVG content into an existing document, keeping its structure intact.

extract data and SVG content from an existing document (planned).

transfer data, attributes, etc. between existing SVG elements (planned).


Graphics applications are often picky (extremely picky) about the formatting of graphics documents. In order to have SVG files interpreted by your/everybodies favourite vector graphics application, the file structure not only needs to follow the SVG specs, but should follow a precise structure of layers, ids, and other unwritten conventions.

The project wants to facilitate transactions on existing documents for graphics-based workflows:

  • automated SVG generation (e.g. for data visualisation)
  • smooth integration with interactive vector graphics/CAD applications
  • automated data-import into complex pre-formatted graphics documents for visualisation


svg|pipe not only uses SVG documents for import/export of graphical content into/from some existing stock of data. SVG documents are XML documents and can serve as data structures themselves.

Requirements and Installation

Currently under development using:

  • Python 3.7
  • Pytest 5.2.2.

Install and test

pip install svgpipe

(on Windows with older pythons you may need python -m pip install svgpipe)

run tests

When in the package directory, just type:


When the package was installed via pip:

pytest --pyargs svgpipe

visual inspection of test results

To get a file output of the SVG content involved in the testing:

  • Set environment variable SVGPIPE_TEST_SVG_OUT to point to the desired output directory.
  • Make sure the directory/folder exists.

After the test run, for each svg injection test there will be three SVG files:

  • XXXX_test.svg (before the injection)
  • XXXX_result.svg (what was actually the case after the injection)
  • XXXX_expect.svg (what should be the case after the injection)