
Import data from CSV, TSV, etc. files into SQLite3 database.

sqlite, sqlite3, sql, csv, tsv
pip install swadr==1.2.1



S.W.A.D.R., SQLite3 With Arbitrarily Delimited Records, is designed to be a replacement and significant improvement over SQLet, "a free, open-source script that allows you to directly execute SQL on multiple text files, right from the Linux command line." In addition to augmenting the features of SQLet, I also elected to use the BSD 2-Clause License instead of the GPL (SWADR is derived neither in whole nor part from SQLet).

Some notable improvements over SQLet are:

  • When importing data with swadr, swadr will automatically detect the files' delimation type as well as the schema of the data.
  • Queries do not need to be piped to SQLite3.
  • Swadr provides a built-in SQLite3 REPL designed to emulate the MySQL CLI.
  • Unparseable records will not terminate the execution of the program by default.

Quick Example

Load examples/students.csv into the table "A" and load grades.csv into the table "B" then enter interactive mode:

swadr -A src/samples/students.csv -B src/samples/grades.tsv
sqlite> DESC A;
| cid | name      | type    | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
| 0   | Name      | TEXT    | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
| 1   | Class     | INTEGER | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
| 2   | Home_Room | TEXT    | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
| 3   | Age       | INTEGER | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

sqlite> DESC B;
| cid | name       | type    | notnull | dflt_value | pk |
| 0   | Assignment | INTEGER | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
| 1   | Grade      | INTEGER | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
| 2   | Student    | TEXT    | 0       | NULL       | 0  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

sqlite> SELECT name, AVG(grade) FROM A INNER JOIN B ON name = student
     ;> GROUP BY student;
| name    | AVG(grade)    |
| Jan     | 55.0          |
| Lucy    | 88.0          |
| Richard | 86.6666666667 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


There are no non-standard modules required to install S.W.A.D.R., but if the wcwidth module is available, it will be used to correctly pad tables containing east Asian characters:

Screenshot with Asian characters

Option 1: setup.py / pip

A setup.py file is provided that will install the "swadr" Python module and a script for launching swadr's CLI. Execute python setup.py install using sudo or as privileged user to install the package globally or run python setup.py install --user to install the package as the current user.

Alternatively, swadr can be installed using pip, e.g.: pip install swadr or pip install --user swadr.

After installation with either pip or setup.py, the "swadr" module will be importable and, provided your PATH environment variable is configured correctly, running swadr at the command line will launch the command line interface. The default location for scripts packaged with Python modules is generally ~/.local/bin, but this can be changed using the --install-scripts option. The swadr CLI can also be launched by running python -m swadr once the module has been installed.

Option 2: Copying

The swadr CLI is wholly contained in the file ./src/swadr.py and can run independently of the rest of the files in this repository, so swadr can be installed by simply copying ./src/swadr.py to a folder listed in the PATH environment variable; $HOME/bin, /usr/local/bin, and /usr/bin are popular defaults -- cp ./src/swadr.py ~/bin/swadr && hash -r then run swadr.

Command Line Options

NOTE: Any trailing, non-option arguments will be executed as SQLite3 queries after the data has been imported.

--help, -h

Show the CLI documentation and exit.

-A FILE, ..., -Z FILE

All capital, single-letter options are used to load the specified file into the SQLite3 database. If no "--table" option has been specified immediately preceding the option, the letter name will be used as the table name; loading a file with "-A" will populate the table "A".


Name of table used to store the contents of the next specified CSV file.


Determines how rows of invalid data handled. The METHOD can be "warn", "ignore", or "fail" which will cause the script to emit a warning and skip the record, silently skip the record or terminate script execution respectively. When unspecified, defaults to "warn."


Set logging verbosity level. In order from the highest verbosity to the lowest verbosity, can be one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL". The default value is "WARNING."


Pretty-print results of queries passed as command line arguments instead of tab-separating the results.


Path of the SQLite3 database the queries should be executed on. When unspecified, the data is stored volatile memory and becomes inaccessible after the program stops running.


Enter interactive mode after importing data. When the "--database" flag is not specified, this option is implied. In addition to being able to execute normal SQLite3 queries, the interpreter also has emulated support for some of MySQL's special statements matching the following grammars:

  • {DESC | DESCRIBE} table_name
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name


Increase logging verbosity. Can be used repeatedly to further increase verbosity.


Decrease logging verbosity. Can be used repeatedly to further decrease verbosity.