Parse SwampSat II Beacon (UF CubeSat)

pip install swampsat2==1.1.2







On Windows or Linux, the following command will install the python package:

pip3 install swampsat2

On Linux systems, the sudo priviledge can be circumvented with the follow command which downloads the package to the local user path by default $HOME/.local/bin/*:

pip3 install --user swampsat2

If pip is not installed on your system it can be installed with one of the following approaches:


pip is often packaged with python on Windows and a standard installation of python will include pip


Run the following command on linux to install pip:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip


The SwampSat II beacon parser utility is implemented in Python and can be called from command-line. The input/data, whether a string or file containing strings, must be in HEX

HEX String Formatting

  • All whitespace is ignored

  • Parsing is case insensitive

  • Strings must contain only HEX characters [0-9, A-F]

  • The header containing the callsigns should not be included in the string

  • Strings are identified by number of bytes included; valid lengths are {163, 185, and 46} bytes

Example strings

12 00 94 03 02 00 7B 03 02 00 93 03 26 00 5B 03 19 00 05 03 09 03 0F 03 12 00 17 00 28 00 02 00 03 00 02 00 03 00 02 00 5B 03 02 00 02 00 03 00 05 03 06 00 05 03 0E 00 04 03 1D 00 27 02 4D 02 29 01 05 00 39 02 81 02 3F 01 1C 00 74 00 27 02 6A 02 18 02 02 00 0F 00 51 01 01 00 05 00 18 01 09 00 57 00 00 40 82 00 77 00 84 00 00 00 3C 00 3C 00 D3 00 FF 03 1B 80 06 03 FF 03 E3 02 E8 02 EA 02 01 00 01 00 11 00 03 9F 06 0E 0C 02 D6 01 FE 00 0F DE 46 06 00 3A 03 E8 04 74 01 61 01 3E 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


1400940302007C03 030093031D005B03 190005030B031103 1200170028000300 0300020003000300 5B03020002000300 0403060004030E00 04031C0027024B02 36011A003D027802 41012D004C002202 7E02110202000400 1C0115001E001701 1900140000408200 7700840000003C00 3C00D300FF031480 0603FF03E502EA02 EA02010001001100 033D050F0D02D601 FE000FAF4600003A 03E804740160012F 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00



swampsat2 [-i] [-l LOGFILE] [-t FILETYPE] [-d DELIMITER] [-f FILE]

swampsat2 [-i] [-l LOGFILE] [-t FILETYPE] [-d DELIMITER] [-s HEXSTRING]

Parse SwampSat II beacons from either a file or command-line string


-f FILE, --file=FILE  input file containing hex strings from a SwampSat II beacon

-s HEXSTRING, --hexstring=HEXSTRING  hex string from a SwampSat II beacon

-l LOGFILE, --logfile=LOGFILE  file where parsed data will be saved [default: [$HOME]/ss2logs/ss2beacon_parsed_[$TIMESTAMP].json]

-t FILETYPE, --filetype=FILETYPE     file type of input file (default behavior is to read the file extension, valid extensions are: '.txt', '.log', '.hex', '.kss')

-i, --image                          flag to read data as jpg image (log name remains the same as default but a .jpg file extension is added)

-d DELIMITER, --delimiter=DELIMITER  delimiter for input HEX string (whitespace is automatically removed)

-h --help  prints this help message

--version  prints current version

Options Flag FILETYPE:

The FILETYPE option let's you provide the file type the parser should expect

The parser can accept either .log, .txt, .hex, or .kss files (.log, .txt, and `.hex are treated the same)

The default behavior is to read the file type from the file path; thus this flag should usually not be necessary

Examples of acceptable files can be found on GitHub:

Note This parser only accepts the TEXT representation of the .kiss log, not the raw .kss output (file examples on GitHub)

Options Flag image:

You should use this flag if you expect your file to have image data (JPG); this flag will try to parse an image from the data in the file

The default log path remains the same except that the file is saved with a .jpg extension

Options Flag DELIMITER:

Whitespace is ignored in any HEX strings so there is no need to specify a whitespace delimiter

If there are additional delimiters, such as a comma, then they can be specified using the delimiter flag (example for comma delimiting: -d ',')

Options Flag LOGFILE:

Specifying a LOGFILE path will ignore the following default behaviors except for placeholder substitutions

  • Default LOGFILE path when used with FILE flag


  • Default LOGFILE path when used with HEXSTRING flag


  • Default filename when LOGFILE is a directory


Regardless of the above default behavior, the following placeholders will always be substituted for the following values:

  • The placeholder [$HOME] is substuted with the home directory adjusted for the current OS and User
  • The placeholder [$TIMESTAMP] is substuted with the current datetime in the following format: %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S

Example parsing data with HEX string (Windows and Linux respectively):

swampsat2 -s "        1400940302007C03 030093031D005B03 190005030B031103 1200170028000300 0300020003000300 5B03020002000300 0403060004030E00 04031C0027024B02 36011A003D027802 41012D004C002202 7E02110202000400 1C0115001E001701 1900140000408200 7700840000003C00 3C00D300FF031480 0603FF03E502EA02 EA02010001001100 033D050F0D02D601 FE000FAF4600003A 03E804740160012F 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00"

swampsat2 -s '        1400940302007C03 030093031D005B03 190005030B031103 1200170028000300 0300020003000300 5B03020002000300 0403060004030E00 04031C0027024B02 36011A003D027802 41012D004C002202 7E02110202000400 1C0115001E001701 1900140000408200 7700840000003C00 3C00D300FF031480 0603FF03E502EA02 EA02010001001100 033D050F0D02D601 FE000FAF4600003A 03E804740160012F 0200000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00'

Example parsing data from file (Windows and Linux respectively):

swampsat2 -f "<filepath>/beacondata.txt"

swampsat2 -f '<filepath>/beacondata.txt'

Example parsing data from file and specifying a log file path (Windows and Linux respectively):

swampsat2 -l "ss2logs/ss2beacon_parsed_.json" -f "<filepath>/beacondata.txt"

swampsat2 -l 'ss2logs/ss2beacon_parsed_.json' -f '<filepath>/beacondata.txt'