
Keyboard layout switcher for sway windows

pip install sway-xkb-switcher==0.2.4




sway-xkb-switcher records keyboard layout for a sway windows when you leave them. And when you come back it is restore keyboard layout.

This project is forked from https://github.com/inn0kenty/i3-xkb-switcher and adapted to work with sway window manager.

There is also helper switcher for emacs.

On layout switch event emacs-sway-xkb tool checks if focused window is emacs window. In case of emacs window it switches emacs input method.

In case of non-emacs window, emacs-sway-xkb switches wayland keyboard layout.

NOTE: emacs-sway-xkb is able to only detect emacs native window. If you open emacs frame in terminal, it will not detect it.


$ pip install sway-xkb-switcher

Also you can download compiled binary from release page.



$ sway-xkb-switcher

This will track the layout of all your keyboards.

Default layout for new windows

If you like all your new windows start with default layout, you can specify it with parameter --default-lang (-D).

$ sway-xkb-switcher --default-lang "English (US)"

You can obtain list of available layout names from running the following swaymsg command.

$ swaymsg -t get_inputs | grep -A 2 xkb_layout_names

NOTE: Layout names are not literally the same as in sway configuration file.

Debugging / logging

To enable debug mode run with --debug key.

By default it writes logs to stdout. You can specify path by --log-path option.


If you are using emacs you can keep emacs with its own state of input method.

Bind some key to switch keyboard layout and completely disable xkb native switching option in your sway config file.

input "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard" {
  xkb_layout us,ru
#  xkb_options grp:alts_toggle,shift:both_capslock

bindsym --to-code $mod+n exec emacs-sway-xkb