
A twitch chat bot for developers.

python, twitch-bot
pip install symbot==0.1.0



A python twitch chat bot based on asyncio.

This versatile chat bot lets broadcasters with a general understanding of the python language fully customize the chat experience for their viewers. It functions as a framework that can be built upon as desired with new commands and media types. Due to its highly encapsulated structure, new additions can be effortlessly shared with other broadcasters. For broadcasters without any programming knowledge, this chat bot still provides most functionalities that popular chat bots such as nightbot offer too.

Getting Started

  1. Symbot requires Python 3.7 or newer, but only uses the standard library.
  2. pip install symbot
  3. Get your Twitch API Key.
  4. Enter your channel name, name of your bot and your key in
  5. Enter yourself as "broadcaster" : "<name>" in environment.json.
  6. Give yourself and your bot permission level 0 in user_permissions.json.
  7. Become familiar with the meta commands.
  8. python -m symbot

Meta Commands


This is the central tool to manage your commands through chat.

!command (operation) (name) (content) (settings)

operation has to be add, edit or del. The add operation requires you to enter content, while edit can change the content and settings or only the settings of a command. del only requires the name of the command.

name does not require a prefix. !hey works as well as hey.

content specifies what response the command will send to your chat. It can be arbitrary text such as Hello there!, but you may also use special functions. This includes:

Function Usage Description
variable $v{var} Looks up a variable in environment.json and returns its value.
counter $c{var} Looks up a variable in environment.json, increments it and returns its new value.
argument $a{arg} Specifies an argument that is passed when the command is called.
user $u{user} Returns the user name who called the command.
alias $alias{command} Does the same as another command.

Furthermore you can directly manipulate the general settings of a command with the following:

Setting Usage Values Description
permission level -ul=val 0,1,2,3,4 The required user permission level to call this command.
cooldown -cd=val positive integer The minimum amount of time that has to pass between two command calls in seconds.
enabled -on=val true,false Specifically enable or disable this command in general.

Be aware, that these are general settings, which are different from user specific settings. This will be explained in the description of the corresponding meta commands. settings are optional. They will be set to a default value if not specified, so do not change them unless it serves a purpose.

Example Usage Response
!command add !new this is a new command !new this is a new command
!command add !name my name is $v{broadcaster} !name my name is Jane Doe
!command add !count this command has been used $c{count} times !count this command has been used 1 times
!command add !highfive $u{donor} gave $a{receptor} a virtual highfive !highfive herself Jane Doe gave herself a virtual highfive
!command add !neu $alias{!new} !neu this is a new command
!command add !cd you can do this every 5 seconds -cd=5 !cd you can do this every 5 seconds
!command add !cd try again in 5 seconds !cd try again in 5 seconds
!command edit !cd try again in 10 seconds -cd=10 !cd try again in 10 seconds
!command edit !cd -on=false !cd
!command del !name !name


Manipulate your environment. Sometimes you want to directly change or retrieve a variable through chat.

!var (operation) (variable) (value)

operation has to be get, set or del. Only set requires you to pass a value. New values will be tried to cast to the same type as the old value. Functions such as count require a certain value type (integer), so changing the type of a value my affect commands.

Example Usage Response
!var get broadcaster broadcaster has value Jane Doe
!var set count 20 !count this command has been used 21 times
!var del count !count Error: variable count not found


Manage your user settings in command_settings.

!setcmdsetting (setting) (value)

Changes made to your user settings only apply to your personal bot instance, so please use !setcmdsetting instead of !command edit to change settings. This makes sharing commands with other broadcasters easier.

Setting Value Description
name str If you want to change how a command is called.
author str Technically only for !purge yet.
permission_level 0,1,2,3,4 The required user permission level to call this command.
cooldown int The minimum amount of time that has to pass between two command calls in seconds.
enabled bool Temporarily enable or disable a command. Does not delete it.


Manage your user permission levels in user_permissions.

!setuserperm (user) (value)

permission levels are used to control who can do what. Meta commands generally have a permission level of 1, while standard commands have permission level 3. Permission levels 2,4 may be used to permit the usage of abusable commands or deny command spammers. Certain actions such as deleting commands require a more powerful level.

Level Group Description
0 Broadcaster Most powerful level, has full control over everything.
1 Moderator Has control over most meta commands.
2 Allowed Has control over abusable commands, broadcaster trusts this person.
3 Casual Default user level. May use all standard commands.
4 Blocked Is blocked from using most commands.


Delete all commands created by a user.

!purge (user)

This exists in case you look away for a couple of minutes and someone with ill intend created a bunch of questionable commands that now need to be deleted. You will be glad you can deleted them all with a single command. Only usable with permission level 0.


If you are interested in building new things in this framework, pay attention to the dev package.

commands is the main bulk. In there are all the standard commands that are added, edited and deleted through chat. Commands are automatically generated python modules that are loaded in dynamically. You may change them here directly or create new ones manually. The automatically generated commands serve as a good vantage point on how to create new commands manually. Although Exceptions from command calls can not crash the program, because they are 'stuck' in a coroutine, it would be great to avoid them and log what's going on. Become familiar with the control elements and what functionalities they provide.

meta contains all meta command that manipulate commands and environments. They are more complex than standard commands and produced manually. An understanding of the entire structure is required to write new meta commands.

media is the biggest remaining construction site right now. Future additions may contain usage of text files, sound files, video files, polls, text to speech, API calls and more. Media modules can be used by commands to generate an effect or response.

The framework may require expansion for more complex features and is subject to change. This project is far from complete, but it is fully functional as it is.

Please report any bugs or concerns.

Future todos and command or media ideas

  • add a cli
  • add graceful ctrl+C shutdown
  • add demo mode
  • enable/disable packages
  • track command usage with new aux controller
  • proper user interface
  • automatically set up broadcaster & bot permissions
  • add setvar as a content functionality
  • song requests
  • on screen counter
  • text to speech
  • play sound
  • play video
  • poll
  • repeating commands
  • proper list of commands
  • cleanup environment unused vars
  • temporarily change user permission
  • proper moderation commands