
A package for writing python data, to human readable documents

pip install tableToDocument==0.0.10



Python library for easily writing python data to human readeble documents.Current supported python data types are str, int,list,dictionary,set,pandas series and pandas Dataframe. Current supported file formats for writing are .doc,.docx,.odt and .tex.



You can easily install and use the library with PyPi

pip install tableToDocument


Clone this repo to your local filesystem

git clone

To run from source you must change all the import tableToDocument.x to import x from all the files. After that,see the tests files at /tests directory for how to make your own files that can write data to documents


If you've downloaded the library by PyPi, then a python version >= 3.5 and the pandas framework running at your machine are the minimum requirements.You can run in your python console

import tableToDocuments.toDoc as td

to use the library.The toDoc module is the only you will propably use.You can then write to a word document by calling the toWord method and to a latex document by calling the toTex method


where path_to_file is the location of the file you wish to write the data to, and data is the data you are about to write. The flag property takes the following values
"a" for appending to the end of the file.For tex files, appends to the bottom of the last \{section}.
"b" for writing at the beginning of the file.For tex files,writes at the top of the first \{section}.
#some_integer_num for writing at the specific line num of the document.For tex files,writes at the bottom of the section num.

If you've downloaded the source code from the git version , simply go to the location you have saved your own test files (see above) and execute python


td.toWord('/some/path/file.odt',14,{'a':[12,14,16'],'b':3,'f':[11,19,20,78,90]}) writes at the line 14 of the document the following table

a [12,14,16]
b 3
f [11,19,20,78,90]

td.toWord('/some/path/file.odt','a',pandas.Dataframe({'a':[12,14,16'],'b':[3,88,90],'f':[11,19,20]}) writes at the end of the document the following table

a b f
0 12 3 11
1 14 88 19
2 16 90 20

In latex documents,the arrays are written like above,but without borders, after you convert the document to pdf.


You can see the pypi location