
A python package which logs each change made to a Django model instance

pip install tablechangelogger==0.0.4


Django Table Change Logger

Quick Description

A python package which logs each change made to a Django model instance.

How to set up?

  1. Add tablechangelogger to your INSTALLED_APPS
  2. Run python migrate to initialize the model
  3. Add TABLE_CHANGE_LOG_CONFIG to your file.
  4. Additionaly, you can add TABLE_CHANGE_LOG_ENABLED to enable/disable table change logging. If not provided, the default value is True.
        'drivers': {
            'yourapp.models.Drivers': {
                'fields': ['driver_id', 'driver_name'],
                'callbacks': ('')
        'cars': {
            'yourapp.models.Car': {
                'fields': ['license_plate', 'car_model'],
                'callbacks': ('')

The keys of TABLE_CHANGE_LOG_CONFIG indicate your app label, while the nested mappings contain relative project path of your model mapped to a dictionary containing loggable fields of that respective model.

You can optionally specify a callback function path in your configuration. The best practice is to place your callback function in yourapp/

How it works?

  • Obtains the TABLE_CHANGE_LOG_CONFIG from your respective settings file based on your environment.
  • Initializes LOGGABLE_MODELS with the relative project paths of your models based on your configuration variable.
  • Binds to pre_save signal of each loggable model
  • For each field specified in the configuration variable, creates a record in the TableChangesLog model in each instance update.


This section serves as a small example to demonstrate this package. The example takes the configuration above into account. Supposing you have a model called Driver and fields called latest_speed and driver_name and driver_id:

    driver = Driver.objects.last()
    driver.latest_speed = 5  # tablechangelogger won't create a record since 'latest_speed' was not among the loggable fields

    driver.driver_name = 'John Doe'  # a record with this driver is created

    # you can also use tablechangelogger.utils.get_model_name 
    model_name = driver._meta.model.__name__
    log = TableChangesLog.objects.filter(, table_name=model_name)
    print(log.field_name, log.log.changes.get_field_new_value(log.field_name))  # prints 'driver_name, John Doe'

The model structure

This package provides you a django model which is called TableChangesLog; which tracks each change to a model instance specified in your configuration mapping. An example record is as follows:

 'app_label': 'drivers',
 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 22, 9, 1, 14, 619568, tzinfo=<UTC>),
 'field_name': 'latest_speed',
 'id': 1,
 'instance_id': 1,
 'table_name': 'Driver',
 'log': Log(changes=Change(new_value=100, old_value=75), created=<True|False>)