sql not knowing sql

pip install tablemap==0.3.6



Tablemap is a useful Python data wrangling tool for situations where Pandas or SQL may feel cumbersome when dealing with tasks that go beyond their typical routine.

Instead of going the long way around with Pandas, where a table is simply a list of dictionaries, Tablemap offers a more efficient alternative. It allows you to effortlessly chain together processes on tables without the need to excessively rely on stackoverflow.com for complex Pandas operations.

In addition, this tool is designed for those who want a simpler solution that minimizes memory concerns.


Requires only built-in Python libraries, without any external dependencies.

pip install tablemap


Saving tables in the database

Let's create a table t1 in sample.db.

from tablemap import Conn, Rows

t1 = [
    {'col1': 'a', 'col2': 4},
    {'col1': 'a', 'col2': 5},
    {'col1': 'b', 'col2': 1},

conn = Conn('sample.db')
conn['t1'] = t1

The right-hand side of the assignment can consist of a list of dictionaries, an iterator that yields dictionaries, or an object fetched from the connection (referred to as the Rows object, which will be introduced shortly). For example, you can use conn['t1'] and then chain table-manipulating methods such as map, update, by and more.

In this context, each dictionary represents a row in a table. For instance, {'col1': 'a', 'col2': 4} represents a row with two columns, col1 and col2.

The process of opening and closing the database is handled safely in the background.

To browse tables in the database,

rs = conn['t1']

# to convert it into a familiar data structure,

# to display only a portion of it
rs1 = rs[1:]

# rs[1:] creates a new object, while rs remains unmodified.
print(rs.size(), rs1.size())
# This is equivalent to
print(len(rs), len(rs1))

If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI), you can open the sample.db file using software such as SQLiteStudio or DB Browser for SQLite.

Once you have cleaned up the table, you may choose to proceed with the analysis using Pandas.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(conn['t1'].list())
conn['t1_copy'] = df.to_dict('records')

Rows objects

The conn['t1'] expression returns a Rows object, which represents a list of dictionaries. There are two ways to create Rows objects:

  1. By passing a table name to the Conn object, such as conn['t1'].
  2. By directly passing a list of dictionaries or a dictionary-yielding iterator to the Rows class, for example, Rows(t1).

When you pass a column name to a Rows object, it returns a list of elements for that column. For example, Rows(t1)['col1'] would result in ['a', 'a', 'b'].

Rows objects provide methods that can be chained together to transform a table.

Methods for table manipulation

  • chain

To concatenate the t1 table with itself and create a new table called t1_double in the database, you can use the chain method provided by the Rows object. Here are a couple of examples:

conn['t1_double'] = conn['t1'].chain(conn['t1'])

This code will create a new table called t1_double in the database and populate it with the concatenated result of t1 with itself.

Alternatively, if you already have a list of dictionaries or an iterator that yields dictionaries named t1, you can pass it as an argument to the chain method:

conn['t1_double'] = conn['t1'].chain(t1)

Make sure that the tables being concatenated (t1 and t1 in this case) have the same columns. The order of the columns does not matter for concatenation to work correctly.

  • A few to brag about.

    Some of the properties of this module that make data-wrangling easier

    1. All the methods in this section create a new Rows object.

      rs = conn['t1']
      rs1 = rs.chain(t1)

      rs and rs1 are different objects, so rs is not chained.

      t1 = Rows(t1)
      t1_listed = t1.list() 
      t1_listed[0]['col1'] = 'x'
      # Create a new list from t1, and it's a fresh one.
      t1.list()[0]['col1'] != 'x' 
    2. rs (or rs1) does not contain any data in the table, yet. It simply holds instructions and is executed when it's needed. (when you want it to be saved in the database, to be printed out, to be listed up, or simply to get the size of it)

      So you can easily combine all the methods safely and freely, for example, (filter is not covered yet, hopefully, it's self-evident.)

      rs = conn['t1']
      high = rs.filter(lambda r: r['col2'] > 4)
      low = rs.filter(lambda r: r['col2'] < 2)
      rs2 = high.chain(low)

      Since rs2 simply holds instructions without actually performing operations, the above code requires very little computing power unless you want to save it in the database or see the result for yourself.

    3. Memory requirement is minimal.

      conn['t1_1'] = rs2

      Now it actually works because you are trying to save the rows rs2 generates in the table t1_1. Still, tablemap does not load up all of rs2 on memory. It loads and saves one-by-one.

    4. Opens and closes the database automatically and safely. Users don't have to worry about it. Even the keyboard interrupts (like ctrl-c) during the table insertion do not corrupt the database.

  • filter and update

Each row is simply a dictionary with column names as keys, so you can access a column value by passing a column name to the row (dictionary). To create new columns or update the existing ones,

# \ for line-continuation
conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1']\
    .filter(lambda r: r['col2'] > 2)\
        col2=lambda r: r['col2'] + 1,
        col3=lambda r: r['col1'] + str(r['col2'])

A lambda expression is a nameless function. In the expression lambda r: r['col2'] > 2, the parameter r represents a single dictionary and the whole expression returns an evaluated value of r['col2'] > 2 for each iteration.

Columns are updated sequentially, so col3 has a5 and a6, not a4 and a5.

  • by and fold

To sum up col2 grouped by col1,

conn['t1_col2sum_groupby_col1'] = conn['t1'].by('col1')\
        col2_sum=lambda rs: sum(rs['col2']),
        col2_min=lambda rs: min(rs['col2']),
        col2_max=lambda rs: max(rs['col2']),

by takes fields as an argument (list of field names or comma-separated field names) for grouping, and the next process (fold in this case) takes on each group (a Rows object).

In the expression lambda rs: sum(rs['col2']), the parameter rs represents a Rows object. So rs['col2'] returns a list of elements in the column col2. And of course, for that reason, you may chain up all the methods in this section.

While update works on a dictionary, fold does on a Rows object. (fold folds n rows to one row. So the lambda expression in fold must return a single value, like a string or a number.)

fold must be preceded by grouping methods such as by or windowed which shows up soon. filter may or may not be preceded by grouping methods.

  • rename

To replace old column names with new ones,

  • join

To merge tables,

conn['t2'] = [
    {'col1': 'b', 'col3': -1},
    {'col1': 'c', 'col3': 3},
    {'col1': 'b', 'col3': ''},

conn['t1_col3'] = conn['t1'].by('col1')\
    .join(conn['t2'].by('col1'), 'full')

There are 4 join types, 'inner', 'left', 'right', and 'full'. The default is 'inner'. You may want to check this tutorial if you are not familiar with these terms.

Tables must be grouped to be joined.

If the table t1 and t2 have columns with the same name, t1 columns will be updated with t2 columns.

Empty strings represent missing values.

  • distinct

To group the table t1 by col1 and to leave only the first row in each group (removing duplicates),

conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1'].distinct('col1')

You can pass multiple columns to distinct as in by

  • select and deselect

You can pass columns to select or deselect to pick up or delete specific columns in a table

conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1'].update(col3=lambda r: r['col2'] + 1)\
    .deselect('col1, col2')
  • slicing

To take the first 2 rows from table t1,


Negative values are not supported. Of course, you can chain up other methods after slicing.

Like the other methods, slicing does not execute the operation. conn['t1'][:2] holds the instruction to take the first two rows, not the rows themselves. However, the print function enforces taking the first two rows to print out on the screen. So it works as expected.

Grouping methods like by or windowed may come right before slicing, and the rows will be flattened.

conn['t1']['col1'] is not slicing; it returns a list of column values, not a Rows object.

  • takewhile and dropwhile

takewhile and dropwhile take a predicate (a function that returns a value to be considered True or False, already seen it in filter) as an argument to do what these names suggest. Refer to itertools.takewhile and itertools.dropwhile

Grouping methods may be preceded right before these methods.

  • map

When update or fold is not powerful enough, you can deal with a row or Rows in a more sophisticated way.

# Some of you may feel uncomfortable with the naming.
# This is just a lambda function for the 'map' method.
# It can be challenging to justify spending time on naming a function that is used nowhere else.
def fn4t1(rs):
    # `rs` is a `Rows` object. 
    # Now you can apply all the methods in this section to manipulate the table.
    # And once again, since these methods create a new `Rows` object instead of modifying the original,
    # you can safely build any combinations of methods as you want.
    tot = sum(rs['col2'])
    # You don't always have to pass a function to the `update` method. The same applies to the `fold` method.
    return rs[:1].update(col2_sum=tot)

conn['t1_col2sum_groupby_col1'] = conn['t1'].by('col1')\

The argument for map is a function that returns a Rows object or a single dictionary or None. It takes a single dictionary as an argument or a Rows object in case the previous process is by (group) or windowed.

  • zip and zip_longest

Like chain, zip takes a list of dictionaries or an iterator that yields dictionaries or a Rows object as an argument. The argument updates the Rows object row by row until either one is depleted.

With zip, the above fn4t1 can be rewritten as

def fn4t1(rs):
    rs2 = [{'col2_sum': sum(rs['col2'])}]
    return rs.zip(rs2)

Another example,

conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1'].zip({'idx': i} for i in range(100))

zip_longest creates empty columns when either one is depleted.

  • merge

The same interface as join. While join combines cross-producted rows from two tables, merge simply zip_longest them. For example, when join combines 2 rows against 3 rows in each group, 6 rows are generated while merge produces only 3 rows.

  • index

To add an index column,

conn['t1'].index('index_column', start=1, step=2)
  • windowed

When you need to group a chunk of consecutive rows,

conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1'].windowed(4, 2).fold(
    sum=lambda rs: sum(rs['col2'])

# It works with `by`, for example.

fold takes the first 4 consecutive rows (of course a Rows object) and the next 4 starting from the 3rd (skipping 2 rows) and so on. When rows less than or equal to 4 are left, it will be the last.

Grouped rows can also be windowed.

  • order and group

Actually, by is a combination of order and group. You can control more precisely by separating these processes,

conn['t1_col2sum_groupby_col1'] = conn['t1']\
    .order('col1, col2 desc').group('col1')\

Now, map takes a Rows object where col2 is sorted in descending order.

The keyword desc can be either uppercased, lowercased, or mixed.

The ascending order is the default.

Regarding the group method, if no argument is provided, it will group all the preceding rows.

  • split

# `xs` is a list of `Rows`.
xs = conn['t1'].by('col1').split()
  • insert

To concatenate the t1 table with itself,


insert is special in that this is the only method that returns None.

Some remarks

  • Table name gimmmick

    If the table name starts with '_', data is appended to the existing table instead of creating a new table.

  • cross-join example

    # table2 = conn['t1'].list() is not effective.
    # You should convert it to a list.
    # Otherwise, 'map' attempts to fetch
    # the table 't2' from the database
    # for every group by 'col1'.
    table2 = conn['t2'].list()
    def fn4t1(rs):
        ...do some work using table3
        return something 
    conn['some_table'] = conn['t1'].by('col1').map(fn4t1)
  • Rows methods do not update objects directly. They create a new object every time a Rows method is invoked.

    So the following code works as expected.

    rs = conn['t1']

    In expression sum(rs['col2']), rs represents a Rows object when the statement rs = conn['t1'] is evaluated. Methods like by or fold in the statement do not affect rs in sum(rs('col2')).

    Take a close look at the next.

    def fn4t1(rs):
        # The original `rs` is not updated.
        # Only `newrs` holds the instruction to update the column 'col2'.
        # The update instruction will not be executed in the next statement.
        # `newrs` simply keeps the instruction here until it's really needed,
        # for example, during database insertion or content print-out.
        newrs = rs.update(col2=lambda r: r['col2'] + 1)
        return newrs.order('col2').zip(rs.order('col2 desc').rename(col2_1='col2'))
    conn['t1_1'] = conn['t1'].by('col1').map(fn4t1)
  • Since column names are dictionary keys, they are case-sensitive. However, column names in SQLite3 (on which tablemap is powered) are case-insensitive by default. To avoid confusion, it is strongly recommended that you keep them lower-cased, and spaces stripped.

    tablemap does not automatically convert uppercase column names. Making any excessive assumptions on users' intentions might add more confusions.

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