
Yet another python table printer. This one outputs your tables to HTML, LaTeX, Unicode and ASCII. It can deal with hierarchical rows / columns, output in color, ...

pretty-printing, printing, table, tabular, python3
pip install tableprinter==0.3



Tableprinter is a small python module that allows you to print your data in tables, be it as ASCII table, HTML table or LaTeX tabular. It allows for hierarchical columns and rows (see the hierarchical example below). To jump right in, you can have a look at the examples below, or you can read the documentation.


Data is passed to tableprinter as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents one cell of your table, and must contain fields that specify the content of the table, as well as which row and column the cell should be in. More options can be specified for each cell, which you can find in the documentation.

A simple first example

Note: this is a (somewhat ugly) export of a notebook that can be found in the examples folder.

# This is only necessary to execute this notebook from the examples folder.
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))

from tableprinter import Tableprinter

# For displaying the HTML output directly in the notebook
from IPython.display import HTML
data = [
    {'x': 'a', 'y': 1, 'content': 'Top Left'},
    {'x': 'b', 'y': 1, 'content': 'Top Right'},
    {'x': 'a', 'y': 2, 'content': 'Bottom Left'},
    {'x': 'b', 'y': 2, 'content': 'Bottom Right'}
tp = Tableprinter(data, x_dimensions=('x',), y_dimensions=('y',))

Text Output

|  |      a      |      b       |
|1 |  Top Left   |  Top Right   |
|2 | Bottom Left | Bottom Right |
┃  ┃      a      ┃      b       ┃
│1 │  Top Left   │  Top Right   │
│2 │ Bottom Left │ Bottom Right │

HTML Output

1 Top Left Top Right
2 Bottom Left Bottom Right

Note: The produced HTML sets various class attributes and can therefore be arbitrarily styled.

LaTeX Output

Note: LaTeX output only produces the tabular environment. You probably want to wrap it into a table environment.

\begin{tabular}{ rcc }
\multicolumn{ 1 }{c}{  } & a& b\\

\multirow{ 1 }{*}{1} & Top Left & Top Right\\
\multirow{ 1 }{*}{2} & Bottom Left & Bottom Right\\
