
Public python module for tagias.com external API

tagias, annotation, tag, label
pip install tagias==1.1.0



Public python module for tagias.com external API


pip install tagias


python -m pip install tagias


You can find the detailed documentation for our external REST API at the API Reference page

Source code

You can find the source code on its GitHub page https://github.com/tagias/tagias-python.git


This helper module was designed to simplify the way you are using the tagias.com external API

You can use the TagiasHelper class to get responses as JSON objects.

# import the tagias api helper classes
from tagias.tagias import TagiasHelper, TagiasError, TagiasTypes, TagiasStatuses

# Replace the test API key with your own private API key
apiKey = 'test'

# Testing the TAGIAS external API methods using TagiasHelper class
    print('Test Start')

    # create tagias helper object
    helper = TagiasHelper(apiKey)

    # create a new package
    newPackage = helper.create_package('Test package', TagiasTypes.Keypoints,
      'Put one point only in the center of the image', None, None,
      'https://p.tagias.com/samples/', ['dog.8001.jpg', 'dog.8002.jpg', 'dog.8003.jpg'])
    print('Package {} was created with {} image(s)'.format(newPackage['id'], newPackage['pictures_num']))

        # modify the package's status
        helper.set_package_status(newPackage['id'], TagiasStatuses.STOPPED)
    except TagiasError as e:
        # handle a TagiasError exception
        print('{} package\'s status was NOT modified: {}'.format(newPackage['id'], e.message))

    # get the package's properties
    package = helper.get_package(newPackage['id'])
    print('New package properties:')
    for prop in package:
        print (' * {}: {}'.format(prop, package[prop]))

    # get the list of all your packages
    packages = helper.get_packages()
    for package in packages:
        print(' * {} {} {} {}'.format(package['id'], package['name'], package['status'], package['created']))
        if package['status']==TagiasStatuses.FINISHED:
            # get the package's result if it's already finished
            result = helper.get_result(package['id'])

                # request the package's result to be send to the callback endpoint
            except TagiasError as e:
                # handle a TagiasError exception
                print('{} package\'s result was NOT requested: {}'.format(package['id'], e.message))

    # get current balance and financial operations
    balance = helper.get_balance()
    print('Current balance: {} USD'.format(balance['balance']))
    for op in balance['operations']:
        print(' * {}: {} USD, {}'.format(op['date'], op['amount'], op['note']))

    print('Test End')
except TagiasError as e:
    # handle a TagiasError exception
    print('TagiasError: {} ({})'.format(e.message, e.code))

Or you can use the TagiasHelper2 class to get responses as class instances with all needed attributes.

The TagiasPackage, TagiasNewPackage, TagiasFullPackage, TagiasResult, TagiasBalance, TagiasOperation classes are defined to hold the response information converted to objects with attributes.

The TagiasResult class contains the pictures list of TagiasPictureResult class instances.

And the TagiasPictureResult class contains either the datalist attribute (a list of TagiasBoundingBox, TagiasLine, TagiasPoligon, TagiasKeypoint classes instances) or the data attribute (an instance of TagiasClassificationSingle or TagiasClassificationMultiple class).

There is also the result attribute of the TagiasPictureResult class that contains JSON object with annotation results.

# import the tagias api helper classes using TagiasHelper2 class
from tagias.tagias import TagiasHelper2, TagiasError, TagiasTypes, TagiasStatuses

# Replace the test API key with your own private API key
apiKey = 'test'

# Testing the TAGIAS external API methods
    print('Test2 Start')

    # create tagias helper object
    helper = TagiasHelper2(apiKey)

    # create a new package
    newPackage = helper.create_package('Test package', TagiasTypes.Keypoints,
        'Put one point only in the center of the image', None, None,
        'https://p.tagias.com/samples/', ['dog.8001.jpg', 'dog.8002.jpg', 'dog.8003.jpg'])

    print('Package {} was created with {} image(s)'.format(newPackage.id, newPackage.pictures_num))

        # modify the package's status
        helper.set_package_status(newPackage.id, TagiasStatuses.STOPPED)
    except TagiasError as e:
        # handle a TagiasError exception
        print('{} package\'s status was NOT modified: {}'.format(newPackage.id, e.message))

    # get the package's properties
    package = helper.get_package(newPackage.id)
    print('New package properties:')
    for prop in dir(package):
        if not prop.startswith('_'):
            print(' * {}: {}'.format(prop, getattr(package, prop)))

    # get the list of all your packages
    packages = helper.get_packages()
    for package in packages:
        print(' * {} {} {} {}'.format(package.id, package.name, package.status, package.created))
        if package.status == TagiasStatuses.FINISHED:
            # get the package's result if it's already finished
            result = helper.get_result(package.id)

                # request the package's result to be send to the callback endpoint
            except TagiasError as e:
                # handle a TagiasError exception
                print('{} package\'s result was NOT requested: {}'.format(package.id, e.message))

    # get current balance and financial operations
    balance = helper.get_balance()
    print('Current balance: {} USD'.format(balance.balance))
    for op in balance.operations:
        print(' * {}: {} USD, {}'.format(op.date, op.amount, op.note))

    print('Test2 End')
except TagiasError as e:
    # handle a TagiasError exception
    print('TagiasError: {} ({})'.format(e.message, e.code))