
Curated tagging app for Django

django, tagging, tagman
pip install tagman==0.1.9


Tagman for Django

A django tagging app that, unlike taggit and django-tagging, does not implement free-form tagging but focuses on more curated tags that can be added to any model.

In trying to reconcile concepts of 'categorisation' and 'tagging' in certain projects we found that a qualified tag worked well. Thus a tag is not just 'beef' or 'onion' it is 'meat:beef' or 'flavour:beef'. A given model can thus have many tags belonging to one or more groups and this can be useful in many cases.

We have also eschewed, at least in this code, the option to add free-form tags to models in favour of a controlled vocabulary. Thus admin permissions can be used to allow only certain users to create new tags and tag groups, and even if all are allowed to do so, the mechanism introduces a little friction that makes tag creation a more considered process.

Functionality is also provided for 'system' tags that can be made not to appear in M2M widgets by default so users cannot add them directly to objects. They may be added automatically on the fly thus providing 'auto tagging'.


To have a model be taggable:


from tagman.models import TaggedContentItem

class MyTaggableModel(TaggedContentItem):
    # carry on as you would; you now have a tags field

And for the admin to be nice you could do with using a filter_horizontal widget:


class MytaggableModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmiN):
    filter_horizontal = ('tags',)


With pip:

> pip install tagman

From a GIT checkout:

> python setup.py install


If you have a GIT checkout of this repository you can run the tests as follows:

  • create and activate a virtualenv for the project
  • pip install -r test_requirements
  • ./runtests.sh

This will run all the unit tests, create a coverage report (see htmlcov/index.html) and also PEP8 check the code (see pep8.txt).


If you like to use Jenkins you may like to make use of our build script build.sh. If executed by Jenkins as a build step you can then ingest the output as follows:

  • Cobertura plugin can read coverage.xml
  • xUnit plugin can read JUnit formatted nosetests.xml
  • violations plugin: add pep8.txt to the pep8 field

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