
Adds items to a talon list when certain git commands are executed, allowing files to be easily selected by voice.

pip install talon-git-labeller==0.1.3


PyPI version

Git item labeller for Talon

Talon labeller demo gif

These scripts replace git commands, numbering items in the output and creating a talon list of the items so they can be referred to with voice commands. For example:

$ git tl-status
On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

   1.   .gitignore
   2.   README.md
   3.   status.py
   4.   utils.py

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

with the following items being added to a list:

{'one': '.gitignore', 'two': 'README.md', 'three': 'status.py', 'four': 'utils.py'}


  1. Install pipx:
pip3 install pipx
  1. Install the talon_git_labeller package globally:
pipx install talon_git_labeller
  1. Switch to using the new git commands:
    • git status -> git tl-status
    • git branch -> git tl-branch
    • git stash pop -> git tl-stash-pop
  2. Create some commands to use the git_status_items and git_branch_items lists in talon, e.g.:
git status: "git tl-status\n"
git add {user.git_status_items}: "git add '{git_status_items}'"
git diff {user.git_status_items}: "git diff '{git_status_items}'"
git file {user.git_status_items}: "'{git_status_items}'"

git branch: "git tl-branch\n"
git checkout {user.git_branch_items}: "git checkout '{git_branch_items}'"
  1. Use the commands by saying e.g. "git add one" after using "git tl-status" in a git repository.