target-s3-avro target for extracting data into s3 stored as AVRO

pip install target-s3-avro==1.1.3



A Singer target that reads in tap input and writes an avro data file and schema to an S3 Bucket using Boto3.

How to use it

target-s3-avro works together with any other Singer Tap to move data from sources like [Braintree], [Freshdesk] and [Hubspot] to an s3 bucket in AWS.


We will use tap-exchangeratesapi to pull currency exchange rate data from a public data set as an example.

First, make sure Python 3 is installed on your system or follow these installation instructions for Mac or Ubuntu.

It is recommended to install each Tap and Target in a separate Python virtual environment to avoid conflicting dependencies between any Taps and Targets.

 # Install tap-exchangeratesapi in its own virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/tap-exchangeratesapi
source ~/.virtualenvs/tap-exchangeratesapi/bin/activate
pip install tap-exchangeratesapi

# Install target-s3-avro in its own virtualenv
python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/target-s3-avro
source ~/.virtualenvs/target-s3-avro/bin/activate
pip install <location of cloned target-s3-avro repository>/


We can now run tap-exchangeratesapi and pipe the output to target-s3-avro.

target-s3-avro requires a configuration file to set connection parameters like the access keys and target bucket - see sample_config.json for the full field descriton:

  "aws_access_key_id": "<Your AWS Access key>",
  "aws_secret_access_key": "<Your AWS Secret Access key>",
  "target_bucket_key": "<Target S3 Bucket>/<Target S3 Key>",
  "target_schema_bucket_key": "<Target S3 Bucket for schema>/<Target S3 Key for schema>",
  "include_timestamp": "<Set to false to prevent the inclusion of the timestamp in the filenames>",
  "tmp_dir": "Working folder used for creation of temp directory where files will be created before moving to s3"
  • NOTE: The <Target S3 Key> portion of the target_bucket_key value is treated as a prefix to the key file (see below)
  • NOTE: The <Target S3 Key for schema> portion of the target_schema_bucket_key value is treated as a prefix to the key file (see below)

To run target-s3-avro with the configuration file, use this command:

~/.virtualenvs/tap-exchangeratesapi/bin/tap-exchangeratesapi | ~/.virtualenvs/target-s3-avro/bin/target-s3-avro -c my-config.json

The data will be written to a file in the <Target S3 Bucket> bucket, with the following key <Target S3 Key>/exchange_rate-{timestamp}.avro. The schema will be written to a file in the <Target S3 Bucket for schema> bucket, with the following key <Target S3 Key for schema>/exchange_rate-{timestamp}.avsc.

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