

pip install taurex-madhuseager2009==0.0.3


MadhuSeager2009: a TauREx 3.1 plugin to replicate the Madhusudhan Seager 2009 temperature-pressure profile



You can install MadhuSeager2009 with PyPi:

pip install taurex-madhuseager2009

You can install MadhuSeager2009 by cloning this Github and installing via the terminal. This is done by:

Cloning the directory using:

$ git clone https://github.com/michellebieger/MadhuSeager2009

Move into the downloaded folder:

$ cd MadhuSeager2009

Install by then typing in:

$ pip install .

You can check the installation by importing the plugin into Python:

$ python -c "import MadhuSeager2009"

To check that TauREx 3.1 has correctly registered your plugin:

$ taurex --plugins

If there are no errors, you have been successful!


You can use the ExampleNotebook in the repository, which runs this PT profile with TauREx as a forward model in a Jupyter Notebook. You can further modify the Notebook and include retrievals if desired.

To use the MadhuSeager2009 PT profile in a .par file and run TauREx on a command line, you can call the profile with either the keywords 'MadhuSeager2009' or 'madhuseager2009' under the "[Temperature]" parameter:

$ profile_type = MadhuSeager2009

An example .par file exists in this repository with all the parameters relevant to this PT profile--just add in your desired values/further parameters as normal when using TauREx and any other TauREx plugins.


Distributed under the terms of the [GPL 3.0 license][license], MadhuSeager2009 is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please email michellebieger@live.com with a detailed description of the issue.