
Localizable utilities of Cocoa (OS X and iOS)

pip install tclocalizable==0.0.3


Tickle Localizable

A utility tool for manipulating content of the strings file. (Localization table of OS X and iOS).


You can install this lib by pip like:

pip install tclocalizable

Note that this utility is written for Python 3, so you must use Python 3.



There are 2 mandatary I/O methods: read_file and write_file.

from tclocalizable.strings_table import StringsTable
strings_table = StringsTable()
# After some manipulation

tclocalizable reads/writes only UTF-16 strings file by default. It you're manipulating UTF-8 or other encoding files, remember to set encoding argument. Like:

strings_table.read_file(some_file_path, encoding='utf-8')

Another shortcut method to read a strings file in is to pass file path to the constructor directly. Like:

from tclocalizable.strings_table import StringsTable
strings_table = StringsTable(some_file_path, encoding='utf-8')

I/O Helpers

tclocalizable also provides a helper to iterate the content of a strings file by:

from tclocalizable.strings_table import StringsTable
for localized_string in StringsTable.localized_strings_in_file(some_file_path, encoding='utf-8'):
    pass  # The `localized_string` is an instance of `tclocalizable.localized_string.LocalizedString`

Dictionary Interface

The StringsTable class extends from collections.OrderedDict, so you can use it just like how you use OrderedDict.

The key of the dictionary would be the original untranslated string, and the value would be instances of tclocalizable.localized_string.LocalizedString.

For example:

from tclocalizable.strings_table import StringsTable
strings_table = StringsTable(some_file_path, encoding='utf-8')

for key, localized_string in strins_table.values():
    pass  # Here, key is `str` and localized_string is `tclocalizable.localized_string.LocalizedString`

LocalizedString instances

There are 3 main properties:

property description
source the original key string.
localized translated string
comment comment of an entry
/* comment */
"source" = "localized";


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