A Python Library for Interacting with the TCR Platform API.

api, fastapi, python
pip install tcrpy==0.2.4



PyPI Version Python Versions

Python Library for Interacting with the TCR Platform API.



via pip ( recommended )

The easiest way to install the latest version from PyPI is by using pip:

$ pip install tcrpy

via Git Clone with extras

  1. Clone the repository to an empty directory
    • $ git clone https://github.com/mitchellaha/tcrpy.git .
  2. Create a virtual environment
    • $ python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    • $ source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies
    • $ pip install -r requirements.txt

From Source ( Advanced )

  1. Clone the repository to an empty directory
    • $ git clone https://github.com/mitchellaha/tcrpy.git .
  2. Verify SetupTools is Updated
    • $ pip install --upgrade setuptools
  3. Install the project
    • $ python setup.py install


  • All TCR API Endpoints

  • Add more documentation

    • Explain Correlation & Uses of different TCR Rest endpoints
  • Create More Unified Filter Conditions

    • Add Status Filter to Customers & Jobs
    • GetSideMenus contains info for Quick Filter Check Boxes
      • Add Ticket Status & Ticket Type Filter
    • Pull the needed data from the TCR_Menu/TCRConstants
    • Advanced Search Filters:
      • Python Class Enums with TCRConstants
      • DataTypes = "QueryFilterFieldDataType" in TCRConstants
      • Each DataType is allowed certain "QueryParamOperator" in TCRConstants
  • Pagination Support

  • Cleanup Login / CookieGetter

  • FastAPI

    • Add Documentation
      • Add PostMan Collection
    • Add Authentication
    • Serverside Logging
    • Add Descript Error Messages