
A todo list tool for the terminal.

pip install tdo==1.1.1


> tdo

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A todo list tool for the terminal, written in Python.


This is a simple todo list tool that integrates in your terminal workflow.
Featuring multiple todo lists and exporting your list to Markdown, it aims to be a well-structured assistant in your daily routine when you don't feel like leaving the terminal.


You can install tdo via pip for Python3, using

pip3 install tdo

For a manual installation, download the latest release and run

sudo ./ install

However, to uninstall it you will still need pip and have to run

pip3 uninstall tdo


Notice: If you have todos or listnames with spaces do not forget to escape them or put the whole string in ''

For a list of all available commands please see tdo help, this is just an overview to demonstrate what you can do with tdo.

Simple todos

To add a todo, simply type tdo add 'todo goes here'. If your todo consists of just one word, you can leave out the quotes.

However, if you want to add the todo to a list (for lists, see below), type tdo add 'todo' listname. Note that you can type the listname in lowercase letters, tdo will still find your list.

Multiple Lists

tdo features working with multiple lists. Add a new list with tdo newlist listname (remember to use quotation marks for a listname containing spaces!).

To remove it again, use tdo remove listname. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion to avoid accidents.


tdo features a set of four different themes, where two are based on a table-like structure and the other two are more plain-structured. You can preview all available themes using tdo themes but you shouldn't expect too much, it's still the terminal. Simple is cool here.

If you feel like changing your theme, you can do that with tdo settheme <Theme ID goes here>.

Export your todos

If you feel like exporting your todos (e.g. for printing a checklist), you can do that with tdo export filename. All your todo lists will be exported, including tasks that were marked as 'done'.


This work is published under the MIT License.