
My package description

pip install template-python-library==0.0.2


License: MIT
Build Status



This package is an example/template for building repositories. The choices made in this repository are based on a combination of experience, convenience, and current convention. These factors will change over time, and as such so will/should the recommendations made in this document.

This package works like a normal package, it can be installed, tests can be run, it can be linted, coverage will be calculated, it should even push to pypi on push to master (merge accepted).

In the following, we briefly provide information about the format of this repository, this is followed by the boilerplate README.md sections that describe how to install, how to run examples, how to run tests, how to get coverage, how to lint, etc.

Throughout this file, and the other files in this template, replace {my_pacakge} with the name of the new repository that you are creating. Also, replace {template_python_library}, {REPLACE}, and {update_here} as appropriate.

Things already setup in this repository:

To do:

  • [] give coverage badge on README.md


Here is the general structure of this setup. Below this structure are quick instructions of things to change for your new repository.

Instructions on Packaging from python are provided here:

            bug_report.md # template for filing bugs
            feature_request.md # template for feature requests
                # github actions workflow to:
                #   - test linting/formating
                #   - build & test the package
                # To work, this requires a number of the Make commands to 
                # be setup, including: dev, requirements, lint, test
        # folder where the docs will be built
        # folder where example scripts should be placed. 
        # e.g., https://github.com/gattia/cycpd/tree/main/examples
        # pre-filled gitignore file for common python packages & specific to this repo. 
        # makefile with convenienience commands designed to make 
        # developing/installing easier. 
        # file to specify metadata of the project, requirements, etc. 
        # this replaces `setup(...)` in a normal `setup.py` file. 
        # also includes description of configurations for other build tools
        # such as linting, (isort, black). 
        # information for setting up `pyproject.toml`: https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/
        # other helpful resources: 
        #    https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/pyproject_config.html
        #    https://scikit-hep.org/developer/pep621

        # current background info, install info, and how to contribute

        # file to call to build library `python setup.py install`
        # setup.py is no longer encouraged. We provide the most basic one here
        # because it is still needed to install in editable mode.This is only 
        # needed for editable mode because `pyproject.toml` does not fully support 
        # editable mode, yet:
        #   https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/quickstart.html#development-mode
        # also, the setup.py might be needed for installing cython dependencies
        # Example here: https://github.com/gattia/cycpd/blob/e235da5276652eea12875aef3c8280a9b673122e/setup.py#L12-L20
        # and here: https://github.com/gattia/cycpd/blob/e235da5276652eea12875aef3c8280a9b673122e/setup.py#L48
        # packages that this repository requires/ that should be installed first 
        # this is necessary to let conda install dependencies (as well as pip). 
        # These requirements could be placed inside of the pyproject.toml
        #     - But can conda read the pyproject.toml?

        # information about how to contribte to the library
        # this format overall was bored from DOSMA
        # Package license / license type. 

Steps to update this package for new repository:

  1. find all instances of {my_project}, {REPLACE}, template_python_library, and {update_here} and replace with package name or other information as appropriate.
  2. (1) should include renaming this current directory, and the source directory (template_python_library)
  3. fill in the "description" in the pyproject.toml
  4. update requirements.txt and dependencies in pyproject.toml
    • To do - can dependencies read/update from requirements.txt?
    • Initiate new github repo
    • Start committing to it
    • Push to new github repository.
  6. After pushing to new repository on github, make sure to allow github pages so properly so that the docs will automatically build. Go to the Settings tab on your github repo, under Pages on the left, turn GitHub Pages on, and select the home dir for the docs to be /docs on the main branch. There is a screen shot at the end of this README pointing to the relevant fields.
  7. If there is a problem finding the package structure when building (finds tests and can't disambiguate), then you can specify package information in pyproject.toml [tool.setuptools]. This is flagged with {REPLACE}. See here for more info: https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/pyproject_config.html#dynamic-metadata This describes a system similar to defining packages=['pymskt', 'pymskt.image', etc.] in setup()


You should be able to install this by cloning, navigating to this root directory, and installing with pip:

git clone https://github.com/gattia/template_python_library
cd template_python_library

conda create -n template_python_library python=3.8

pip install . 

# OR
make install

Install for development

This method of install will install in editable mode. This means that the code wont be packaged and saved in your python's site-packages, instead site-packages will point to this directory. So, if the code changes in here, so will the version of this package used on your local build.

git clone https://github.com/gattia/template_python_library
cd template_python_library

conda create -n template_python_library python=3.8

make dev
make install-dev


Describe how to use the examples. E.g., {update_here}

Navigate to the examples directory and run the scripts:

cd examples
python examples/example_1.py

Development / Contributing


The test can be run by:



make test

Inidividual tests can be run by running

python -m pytests path_to_test


  • Coverage results/info requires coverage (conda install coverage or pip install coverage).
  • These should be installed automatically with one of the make dev commands.
  • You can get coverage statistics by running:
    • coverage run -m pytest or if using make:
    • make coverage
      • This will save an html of the coverage results.

note about coverage:

- Coverage runs by seeing how much of the code-base is covered when you run the command after coverage. 
In this case, it is looking to see how much of the code-base is covered when we run the tests. 


If you want to contribute, please read over the documentaiton in CONTRIBUTING.md


To build the docs, run make docs. If you want the docs published on gihutb, you need to activate github page. Go to the Settings tab on your github repo, under Pages on the left, turn GitHub Pages on, and select the home dir for the docs to be /docs on the main branch. Example here:

Setup Docs on Github Pages


MIT License