
TensorFlow wrapper for deep neural text generation on character or word level with RNNs / LSTMs

tensorflow, char-lm, char-rnn, language-model, nlp, nlp-machine-learning, tensorflow-library
pip install tensorlm==0.4



Generate Shakespeare poems with 4 lines of code.

showcase of the package


tensorlm is written in / for Python 3.4+ and TensorFlow 1.1+

pip3 install tensorlm

Basic Usage

Use the CharLM or WordLM class:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorlm import CharLM
with tf.Session() as session:
    # Create a new model. You can also use WordLM
    model = CharLM(session, "datasets/sherlock/tinytrain.txt", max_vocab_size=96,
                   neurons_per_layer=100, num_layers=3, num_timesteps=15)
    # Train it 
    model.train(session, max_epochs=10, max_steps=500)
    # Let it generate a text
    generated = model.sample(session, "The ", num_steps=100)
    print("The " + generated)

This should output something like:

The  ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 

Command Line Usage

Train: python3 -m tensorlm.cli --train=True --level=char --train_text_path=datasets/sherlock/tinytrain.txt --max_vocab_size=96 --neurons_per_layer=100 --num_layers=2 --batch_size=10 --num_timesteps=15 --save_dir=out/model --max_epochs=300 --save_interval_hours=0.5

Sample: python3 -m tensorlm.cli --sample=True --level=char --neurons_per_layer=400 --num_layers=3 --num_timesteps=160 --save_dir=out/model

Evaluate: python3 -m tensorlm.cli --evaluate=True --level=char --evaluate_text_path=datasets/sherlock/tinyvalid.txt --neurons_per_layer=400 --num_layers=3 --batch_size=10 --num_timesteps=160 --save_dir=out/model

See python3 -m tensorlm.cli --help for all options.

Advanced Usage

Custom Input Data

The inputs and targets don't have to be text. GeneratingLSTM only expects token ids, so you can use any data type for the sequences, as long as you can encode the data to integer ids.

# We use integer ids from 0 to 19, so the vocab size is 20. The range of ids must always start
# at zero.
batch_inputs = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [15, 16, 17, 18]])  # 2 batches, 4 time steps each
batch_targets = np.array([[2, 3, 4, 5], [16, 17, 18, 19]])

# Create the model in a TensorFlow graph
model = GeneratingLSTM(vocab_size=20, neurons_per_layer=10, num_layers=2, max_batch_size=2)

# Initialize all defined TF Variables

for _ in range(5000):
    model.train_step(session, batch_inputs, batch_targets)

sampled = model.sample_ids(session, [15], num_steps=3)
print("Sampled: " + str(sampled))

This should output something like:

Sampled: [16, 18, 19]

Custom Training, Dropout etc.

Use the GeneratingLSTM class directly. This class is agnostic to the dataset type. It expects integer ids and returns integer ids.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorlm import Vocabulary, Dataset, GeneratingLSTM


with tf.Session() as session:
    # Generate a token -> id vocabulary based on the text
    vocab = Vocabulary.create_from_text("datasets/sherlock/tinytrain.txt", max_vocab_size=96,

    # Obtain input and target batches from the text file
    dataset = Dataset("datasets/sherlock/tinytrain.txt", vocab, BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIMESTEPS)

    # Create the model in a TensorFlow graph
    model = GeneratingLSTM(vocab_size=vocab.get_size(), neurons_per_layer=100, num_layers=2,
                           max_batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, output_keep_prob=0.5)

    # Initialize all defined TF Variables

    # Do the training
    epoch = 1
    step = 1
    for epoch in range(20):
        for inputs, targets in dataset:
            loss = model.train_step(session, inputs, targets)

            if step % 100 == 0:
                # Evaluate from time to time
                dev_dataset = Dataset("datasets/sherlock/tinyvalid.txt", vocab,
                                      batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, num_timesteps=NUM_TIMESTEPS)
                dev_loss = model.evaluate(session, dev_dataset)
                print("Epoch: %d, Step: %d, Train Loss: %f, Dev Loss: %f" % (
                    epoch, step, loss, dev_loss))

                # Sample from the model from time to time
                print("Sampled: \"The " + model.sample_text(session, vocab, "The ") + "\"")

            step += 1

This should output something like:

Epoch: 3, Step: 100, Train Loss: 3.824941, Dev Loss: 3.778008
Sampled: "The                                                                                                     "
Epoch: 7, Step: 200, Train Loss: 2.832825, Dev Loss: 2.896187
Sampled: "The                                                                                                     "
Epoch: 11, Step: 300, Train Loss: 2.778579, Dev Loss: 2.830176
Sampled: "The         eee                                                                                         "
Epoch: 15, Step: 400, Train Loss: 2.655153, Dev Loss: 2.684828
Sampled: "The        ee    e  e   e  e  e  e  e  e  e   e  e  e   e  e  e   e  e  e   e  e  e   e  e  e   e  e  e "
Epoch: 19, Step: 500, Train Loss: 2.444502, Dev Loss: 2.479753
Sampled: "The    an  an  an  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  on  o"