
Terminalcmd is a Python library which can help you to make your own terminal program with high-intellegence instruments, that will make your code "clear" and readable.

pip install terminalcmd==0.8.1



Terminalcmd is a Python library which can help you to make your own terminal program with high-intellegence instruments, that will make your code "clear" and readable.

Note: Library is in beta-test now, so it will update very often.


Using Pypi:
$ pip install terminalcmd

Examples :

Easy-to-build greeter:
from terminalcmd import core

    short_descrtiption="Greet you!",  # Set description, that will be shown in help-message.
    usage="greet (No arguments)"  # Let user know how to use this command.
    # Of course, all this params can be unfilled.
    # But don't forget about () after decorator!
def greet() -> None:  
    # Create functiuon. As command name in console will be used function name.
    name = input("What's your name: ")
    print(f"Hello {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    core.start_console()  # Starting console.

Let's see aguments of core.command() (ALL parameter can be unfilled):

  1. name: str - If you need to name your command such as '8ball', you can name function however you want, and set parameter name="8ball" to name command like this.
  2. description: str - Long command description, that will be show after typing [command name] ? (will be discussed later).
  3. short_description: str - Short note about command (You can add empty decorator upside function and add a """Docstring""" to function, this is another way to set short_description). Will be shown after typing help and [command name] ?.
  4. usage: str - Examples of usage this command.
from terminalcmd import core

@core.command()  # Create some random command.
def hello() -> None:
    """Say "Hello!" to user."""

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you'll run this file and type 'help', you'll see that you have 3 commands: 'help', 'exit' and 'hello'. But why? You added only one! It's because of builtins commands:

Command help show all commands in your programm. Command exit kill current task with exit code 0.

If you need to get information about one command, Use next syntax: [command] ?. Let's see what will be after typing help ?:

Command 'help':
  Short description:
    'Show help message.'
    'Show information about every commands in list.'
    '<help>, <help ?>'

Like this you can get info about every command.

Interest fact: If you will call core.start_console() without any registred command in your file, you'll get ZeroCommandsError (:

Some usefull things:
from terminalcmd import (

def all_commands() -> None:
    """Show all commands in your programm."""

    short_descrtiption="Show usefull functions and methods.",
    usage="You can type whatever you want, but it must startswith 'show_uf'."
def show_ut() -> None:
    print("\nLet's see commands arguments"
          f"(like sys.argv, but after typing command):\n{line_args()}")
    curr_command = get_command("show_ut")
        "Description: " + curr_command.description,
        "Usage: " + curr_command.usage

if __name__ == "__main__":

Function line_args don't take any arguments and return lit time typed arguments to comandlet by typing.List[str].

Function get_command take 2 arguments:

  1. name: str - A name of a command.
  2. allow_none_return: bool - Argument allowing return None if function cannot find given command by name.

Run this code to watch this usefull things.

Customizing comandlet:
from terminalcmd import core

@core.command()  # Create some random command.
def hello() -> None:
    """Say "Hello!" to user."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
        comandlet="MaYbE_ChAnGe_CoMaNdLeT -|> ",  # Did you remember comandlet name in examples before?
        # You can change it to your own text.
        notexist_text="THIS command is not exist."  # This text is optional and will be shown if user typed
        # commands that not exist.

Interest point: If you need to have parameter notexist_text like: "This command {and_here_command_name} is not exist." Just add in text this phrase: [command]. (but don't add `f-string` before text line) and library will replace this phrase with raised exception command name.

You can try to watch library source to see something interest things)