
Toolkit to manipulate Earth observations and models.

pip install terrapyn==0.0.2



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Toolkit to manipulate Earth Observation Data: Remote Sensing, Climate and Weather models. Designed to work with Pandas/GeoPandas and Xarray data structures, implementing Dask where possible.

The name is pronounced the same as "terrapin", a type of fresh water turtle


Python environment setup

An environment with Python version 3.10 or later is required. If you don't have this, it can be created using Pyenv which should be installed first. After installing Pyenv, download and install Python 3.10 using

pyenv install 3.10

If you already have Python version 3.10 or later you can skip this step.


Via Pip

The package can be installed in an existing Python environment via pip:

pip install terrapyn

From source

Clone the repo and install the package:

git clone https://github.com/colinahill/terrapyn.git && cd terrapyn

This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies. In the case where Poetry doesn't automatically find the correct Python path, you can set it with

pyenv local 3.10
poetry env use 3.10

Then install the package

poetry install  # Creates a virtualenv and installs package into it
poetry shell  # Opens a sub-shell in the virtualenv